Like the Photos App shows, all albums > all photos in a particular album > single photo view,

even I need a similar kind of a view. I have used UIImagePickerController and easily go to the second step. However, whenever I select an image, I can not show a slide show kind of a view, as UIImagePicker does not give me that.

I made another view controller , just to display these images in a pagenation form.

But, from the delegate method, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo, when an image is selected, I get only that image using:

[info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];

How do I know the images next to this image, and before this image, so that I can create a slide show?


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另请查看此 SO 线程。答案显示了如何从 中获取 ALAsset 对象UIImagePickerController,它可以让您找到图像的 URL 和有关它的其他信息。

于 2013-03-12T11:58:25.323 回答