我有一本从解析 JSON 中提取的其他字典中包含子项的字典。结构如下所示:

        children =             (
                children =                     (
                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = biological;
                        urlId = 9950000123891;
                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = White;
                        urlId = 9950000123892;
                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = "various flavors";
                        urlId = 9950000123893;
                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = "different tastes creamy";
                        urlId = 9950000123894;
                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = "yogurt drinks";
                        urlId = 9950000123895;
                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = "Yogurt mix";
                        urlId = 9950000123896;

                hasArticles = 0;
                hasWideIcon = 0;
                label = "types of yogurt"; //those above are the children of the "types of yogurt" 
                urlId = 9950000123890;

                children =                     (
                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = White;
                        urlId = 9950000123906;
                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = "various flavors";
                        urlId = 9950000123907;

                        hasArticles = 1;
                        hasWideIcon = 0;
                        label = Pappareale;
                        urlId = 9950000123909;
                hasArticles = 0;
                hasWideIcon = 0;
                label = "yogurt healthy"; //those above are the children of the yogurt healthy 
                urlId = 9950000123905;

                hasArticles = 1;
                hasWideIcon = 0;
                label = "puddings and creams";
                urlId = 9950000123911;
                hasArticles = 1;
                hasWideIcon = 0;
                label = "Snack dessert";
                urlId = 9950000123913;
                hasArticles = 1;
                hasWideIcon = 0;
                label = "various Dessert";
                urlId = 9950000123914;
        hasArticles = 0;
        hasWideIcon = 0;
        label = "Yogurt and Dessert ";
        urlId = 9950000123889;


 -(void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection{

        NSLog(@"%d", [webData length]);

       NSString *strResult =[[NSString alloc]initWithData:webData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
       NSDictionary *result =[strResult JSONValue];
           for (id obj in result){
                  NSLog(@"%@", result);
                  /*A part of the result is written above, but in reality is much 
                    longer and includes all possible products in a supermarket*/




  • 酸奶的种类(有小孩的)
  • yogurt-healthy(谁有孩子)
  • 布丁和面霜(不含儿童)
  • 点心甜点(不含儿童)
  • 各种甜点(不含儿童)


我需要创建一个包含超市产品类别的字典数组(在这个例子中只有酸奶和甜点,总共 23 个元素),然后我必须创建另一个字典数组,每个字典都包含每个产品的子类别,那是成千上万。我考虑过使用 NSPredicate ,但它是字典。我必须过滤其他字典中的字典


1 回答 1



我在这里猜测叶子词典(没有孩子)总是产品。具有 children 键的字典始终是类别。这可能不是真的——它看起来hasArticles是 1 代表产品,0 代表类别——但同样,这是未知的。


static void collectProducts(NSDictionary *dictionary, NSMutableArray *results)
    NSArray *children == dictionary[@"children"];

    if (children == nil) {
        [results addObject:dictionary];

    for (NSDictionary *subDict in children)
        collectProducts(subDict, results);

NSArray *findProducts(NSDictionary *dictionary)
    NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array];
    collectProducts(dictionary, result);
    return array;

findProducts使用您的 JSON调用result以获取所有叶字典。

于 2013-03-12T11:07:33.740 回答