我能够让它与我测试过的 3 种测试对象类型中的 2 种一起工作,这让我很困惑,我不知道如何进一步排除故障。
template <typename T, typename V>
int binarySearch(T* list[], const V& searchValue,
const int firstIndex, const int lastIndex) {
int half = (firstIndex + lastIndex) /2;
// if not completly split down already
if(firstIndex != lastIndex && half != 0){
if(searchValue < *list[half]){
// lower half of array
binarySearch(list, searchValue, firstIndex, half);
else if(searchValue > *list[half]){
// upper half of array
binarySearch(list, searchValue, ++half, lastIndex);
else if(searchValue == *list[half]){
return half; // found it
return -1; // didnt find it
这是我的 3 组对象测试用例:
// pointers to child class objects
Customer* customer[] = { new Customer(1002, 100000.50, "F4", "L1"),
new Customer(1004, 45000.90, "F1", "L3"),
new Customer(1003, 120000, "F3", "L2"),
new Customer(1001, 340000, "F2", "L4")
// pointers to child class objects
Employee* employee[] = { new Employee(102, 65000, "F2", "L1"),
new Employee(104, 45000, "F4", "L3"),
new Employee(103, 120000, "F1", "L2"),
new Employee(101, 35000, "F3", "L4")
// pointers to parent class objects
Person* person[] = { customer[0],
// Search the customer array. -> WORKS
cout << endl
<< "Searching customer array for customer with cId = 1002: "
<< (binarySearch(customer, 1002, 0, 3) != -1? "found it." : "did not find it.")
<< endl;
// Search the employee array. -> WORKS
cout << "Searching employee array for employee with eId = 105: "
<< (binarySearch(employee, 105, 0, 3) != -1? "found it." : "did not find it.")
<< endl;
// Search the person array. -> OPERATOR ERRORS
cout << "Searching people array for person with name = 'Mickey Mouse': "
<< (binarySearch(person, "Mickey Mouse", 0, 7) != -1? "found it." : "did not find it.")
<< endl;
搜索功能在 Employee 和 Customer 对象数组上运行良好。当尝试在 Person 数组上运行搜索时,对于使用的每个比较运算符,我都会遇到 3 个错误,例如:[binary '<' no operand which takes a right-hand operand of type 'Person'...]
对于已经提供的函数定义中的所有三个对象,我以完全相同的方式实现了运算符重载。在 person 类中,我实现了以下重载运算符:
bool operator ==(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs){
if(lhs.getKeyValue() == rhs.getKeyValue())
return true;
return false;
bool operator <(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs){
if(lhs.getKeyValue() < rhs.getKeyValue())
return true;
return false;
bool operator >(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs){
if(lhs.getKeyValue() > rhs.getKeyValue())
return true;
return false;
cout << "test person compare: " << ("mickey mouse" < person[1] ? "true" : "false");
#ifndef PERSON_H
#define PERSON_H
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace P03 {
class Person {
string firstName;
string lastName;
/* Initializes the object.
Person(const string& firstName = "na", const string& lastName = "na");
/* Getter methods retun the field value.
string getFirstName() const;
string getLastName() const;
/* Returns the eid.
string getKeyValue() const;
/* Returns the compound value: <lastName><space><firstName>
string getName() const;
/* Setter methods, set the object.
void setFirstName(const string& firstName);
void setLastName(const string& lastName);
/* Returns the object formatted as:
* Person{ firstName=<firstName>, lastName=<lastName> }
virtual string toString() const;
}; // end Person
/* Displays a Person to the screen.
* Calls the toString() method.
ostream& operator <<(ostream& out, const Person& person);
/* The following relational operators compare two instances of the
* Person class. The comparison is made on the compound value of:
* <lastName><space><firstName>
bool operator ==(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs);
bool operator !=(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs);
bool operator <(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs);
bool operator <=(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs);
bool operator >(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs);
bool operator >=(const Person& lhs, const Person& rhs);
} // end namespace P03