I have never really done much with IOS drawing API's before. I looking into drawing a smooth plot like curve with a programmable number of control points, something similar to this:

Sample Graph http://blog.mixonline.com/briefingroom/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/eq-editing-screen.jpg

(I realize that there's a ton math behind the sample graph, I just want to start out with manipulating simple points).

My first thought was that I should be looking into using UIBezierPath Quad paths. I found that this works really well if I have just a start point, end point and control point. I've had a lot of trouble getting curves to look 'sensible' if I try to add a chain of quads to simulate the example I posted.

Basically I just have a lot of doubt about the correct approach to take. Can somebody advise me on where I should be directing my attention?


1 回答 1


你需要处理核心情节。这是来自 ray 网站的多部分教程,它将对您有很大的帮助,以便从核心情节开始。 http://www.raywenderlich.com/13269/how-to-draw-graphs-with-core-plot-part-1


于 2013-03-11T22:39:18.193 回答