您可以挂钩定时器中断 (08h) 并配置 PIT 以获得高达 1.2 Mhz 的速率。
这是一些旧的 TASM 风格的程序集,展示了如何做到这一点:
tmTimerHandler PROC
push ds
mov ds,cs:tmDataSeg
add ds:tmTicker,65536
pop ds
jmp cs:tmOldTimer
tmTimerHandler ENDP
tmInit PROC
mov tmDataSeg,ds
mov tmTicker,65536
push es
; Save the old timer interrupt vector
mov ax,3508h
int 21h
mov dword ptr tmOldTimer+0,ebx
mov word ptr tmOldTimer+4,es
pop es
; Install our own timer interrupt vector
push ds
mov ax,2508h
push cs
pop ds
mov edx,OFFSET tmTimerHandler
int 21h
pop ds
; Configure the PIT to generate interrupts
; at the maximum rate
mov al,34h
out 43h,al
xor al,al ; zero divisor
out 40h,al
out 40h,al
tmInit ENDP
tmClose PROC
push ds
mov ax,2508h
lds edx,tmOldTimer
int 21h
pop ds
tmClose ENDP
; Returns the current tick count in eax
tmGetTimer PROC
xor eax,eax
out 43h,al
in al,40h
mov ah,al
in al,40h
xchg ah,al
neg eax
add eax,tmTicker
tmGetTimer ENDP
tmOldTimer df 0
tmDataSeg dw 0
tmTicker dd 0