好的,所以我写了一些 JQuery 来在用户添加额外费用时实时更新价格。加高座椅有一段代码,儿童座椅有一段代码。
$('.boostseat').change(function() {
//sets the var id as the id of the select box
var id = this.id;
//sets this as the value of the select box
numberofboostseat = $(this).val();
//shows a confirmation message
//this handles if an item is removed, so that the value doesn't reset
if (typeof(boosttotal) != "undefined" && boosttotal !== null) {
price = $("#hiddenprice").val() - boosttotal;
price = $("#hiddenprice").val();
//number of days you hire it for cariable
numofdays = "<?php echo $length->days; ?>";
if (numofdays > 4){
//alert ("boost if1");
boostcost = Number(20);
}else if ((numberofboostseat == 1 || numberofboostseat == 0) && (numberofchildseat == "undefined" || numberofchildseat == 0)){
//alert ("boost if2");
boostcost = Number(3) * Number(0);
}else if (numofdays < 1){
//alert ("boost if3");
boostcost = Number(3) * Number(1);
//alert ("boost if4");
boostcost = Number(3) * Number(numofdays);
// determines final price
boosttotal = Number(numberofboostseat) * Number(boostcost);
//more varaibles
newprice = Number(price) + Number(boosttotal);
//updates hiddden fields
oldnumofboost = $("input#hiddenboostnum").val(numberofboostseat);
//updates the HTML (Live Price Update) as decimal
$('#'+id).html("€" + newprice.toFixed(2));
}else if ((numberofboostseat == 1 || numberofboostseat == 0) && (numberofchildseat == "undefined" || numberofchildseat == 0)){
正如您在上面看到的,可变的 boostcost 计算了席位的成本。另一段代码,childseat 也有我可以使用的全局变量,类似于这些。
任何人都可以提出一个 if 语句来有效地使第一个儿童或加高座椅免费吗?