我的代码导致以下错误 - 为什么会这样?
2 errors found:
File: C:\Users\Name\P4.java [line: 44]
Error: C:\Users\Name\P4.java:44: unreported exception FileNotFoundException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
File: C:\Users\Name\P4.java [line: 46]
Error: C:\Users\Name\P4.java:46: exception java.io.FileNotFoundException is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement
case Command.CMD_DO:
NextCommand tmpReader;
try {
tmpReader = new NextCommand( c.getArg() );
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
tmpReader = null;
System.out.println( "Unable to open file:");
System.out.println( " " + e.getMessage());
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Stack;
public class P4 {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
// Start off assuming we're reading from the console and create a stack
// for storing "pushed" readers
NextCommand reader = new NextCommand();
Stack<NextCommand> cmdStack = new Stack<NextCommand>();
// The command we get and a flag to indicate whether it's time to exit
Command c;
boolean userRequestsExit = false;
// For storing the history. We keep track of the depth of the stack, too.
// Note that we could just use cmdStack.size() but that's a Vector operation rather
// than a "pure" stack operation, so for the sake of pedagogy, we won't...
History h = new History();
int nestingLevel = 0;
do {
// Get a command
c = reader.get();
h.add( c, nestingLevel );
switch (c.getCommand()) {
// Do nothing in response to a comment
case Command.CMD_COMMENT:
// DO filename. See if we can start a reader up from the file.
// If not, then print an error and continue from where we left off.
// If so, push the current reader onto a stack and continue with the new one
case Command.CMD_DO:
NextCommand tmpReader;
try {
tmpReader = new NextCommand( c.getArg() );
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
tmpReader = null;
System.out.println( "Unable to open file:");
System.out.println( " " + e.getMessage());
// Success. Save current reader and switch to new one. We are
// now nested one level deeper in DO files...
if (tmpReader!=null) {
reader = tmpReader;
// DOC id "title" text
case Command.CMD_DOC:
String[] docParts = c.getArg().split( "\"" );
if (docParts.length != 3) {
System.out.println( "ERROR: Invalid format: use DOC docid \"title\" text");
else {
Document d = new Document( docParts[0].trim(),
docParts[2].trim() );
//Add document to database
if (d==null || d.getDocid()==null)
System.out.println( "ERROR: Invalid DOC: " + d.getTitle() );
System.out.println( "Added document " + d.getDocid() );
case Command.CMD_HISTORY:
System.out.println( h );
// END. If the command-source stack is empty, we're done.
// Otherwise, revert to the previous one and note that we are now
// one level back up in the nesting of DO files.
case Command.CMD_END:
if (cmdStack.empty())
userRequestsExit = true;
else {
reader = cmdStack.pop();
// Others
System.out.println ("Only DOC, DO, HISTORY, and END commands work right now.");
} while (!userRequestsExit);
// Courtesy exit message.
System.out.println( "Thank you for playing." );
System.out.println( "You processed " + h.numCommands()
+ " command"
+ (h.numCommands()==1 ? "" : "s")
+ " before you exited." );
这是 NextCommand 类:
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class NextCommand implements NextCommandInterface {
private Scanner inStream;
private boolean promptUser;
private String nameOfFile;
// Default constructor uses system input and requests prompting
public NextCommand() {
inStream = new Scanner( System.in );
promptUser = true;
nameOfFile = null;
// Alternate constructor to allow input from a file (no prompting)
public NextCommand(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException {
inStream = new Scanner( new File(filename));
promptUser = false;
nameOfFile = filename;
// Ask user for a command and process it to return a Command
public Command get() {
String inLine;
// If we have no way to get input, pretend we hit the end
if (inStream==null)
return new Command( "END" );
// Optionally prompt for the command
if (promptUser)
System.out.print( "Command? ");
// Get a command (have to make sure EOF wasn't pressed)
if (!inStream.hasNextLine())
return new Command( "END" );
inLine = inStream.nextLine();
// Clean it up and return the results
return new Command( inLine );
// A whimsical way to print this object out.
public String toString() {
if (nameOfFile == null)
return "Commands being accepted from standard input";
return "Commands being accepted from " + nameOfFile;