
I have written an Eclipse plugin which do some stuff. No I want to use an existing UML Editor plugin which works with my plugin in Eclipse. To modify the UML Editor for my purpose I downloaded the source code of the special plugin and modify some code of it. The Editor itself needs some other plugins, for example the UML2 Extender SDK, GEF etc.


Is it possible to integrate the modified plugin and all of its dependency plugins in my plugin and deliver it in one thing?

How can I create a feature or a plugin which contains all necessary plugins, so I can give it to a friend who has nothing more to do than for example, put it in his plugin folder and it works without installing some of the necessary plugins in his eclipse additionally?


1 回答 1



相反,您想创建一个功能项目,其中包含您的插件和修改后的 UML 插件。您的功能项目应依赖于您已识别为依赖项的功能。

此外,您希望创建一个更新站点项目,其中包含您的功能并将依赖功能的所有更新站点列为发现站点。然后您将更新站点导出为存档或将其真正放到网上并给您的朋友存档或链接。他将使用更新管理器以正常方式安装您的插件,并且由于包含的发现站点,他的机器将找到所有依赖项并直接从 Internet 安装它们。

于 2013-03-10T06:15:36.933 回答