我有一个网页设计课的作业,我们得到了一个基本代码,我们需要修改它才能做更多事情。一旦我添加了 if,else if 语句,javascript 就会停止工作。我不知道我哪里错了。如果有人能引导我朝着正确的方向前进,我将不胜感激。这是原始代码(附注一我们需要做的):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Finish the logic of the Rock Paper Scissors game below.
See the comments for instructions. -->
function rps() {
userChoice = prompt("Rock, paper or scissors?");
userPick.innerHTML = userChoice;
computerChoice = Math.random();
if (computerChoice < 0.34) {
computerChoice = "rock";
} else if (computerChoice < 0.67) {
computerChoice = "paper";
} else {
computerChoice = "scissors";
computerPick.innerHTML = computerChoice;
result = compare(userChoice, computerChoice);
if (result == 1) {
// set the outcome entity to say that "Player Wins!"
// also increment the user's score.
} else if (result == -1) {
// set the outcome entity to say that "Computer Wins!"
// also increment the computer's score.
} else {
// set the outcome entity to say "Tie"
function compare(choice1, choice2) {
// return 0 if choices are equal,
// 1 if choice1 wins,
// -1 if choice2 wins
<p id="outcome">-</p> <b> computer picks: </b>
<p id="computerPick">-</p> <b> player picks: </b>
<p id="userPick">-</p>
<!-- create p blocks to store the computer's score (number of wins)
and the user's score. These will have to be modified by the rps function
<button type="button" onclick="rps()">Go</button>
function compare(choice1, choice2) {
// return 0 if choices are equal,
// 1 if choice1 wins,
// -1 if choice2 wins
if (choice1 == "paper" && choice2 == "rock" ||
choice1 == "rock" && choice2 == "scissors" ||
choice1 == "scissors" && choice2 == "paper") {
return == 1;
else if (choice1 == "paper" && choice2 == "scissors" ||
choice1 == "rock" && choice2 == "paper" ||
choice1 == "scissors" && choice2 == "rock") {
return == -1;
else {
return == 0;