I am working on a project that requires me to parse an XML tree where the XML is not so great. I need to define a UL structure from the XML but the issue is that all the nodes are the same name with different attributes. I am using jQuery ajax function to call this XML file and return it on success. Here is my conundrum:

>     <class name="Juice">
>       <class name="OJ">
>         <class name="Low Sugar" />
>         <class name="Some Pulp" />
>       </class>
>       <class name="Apple" />
>       <class name="Grape" />
>     </class>

As you can see the node names make it hard to transpose this to a uniformed list. I am trying to get this to recurse and look like this:

                    <li>Low Sugar</li>
                    <li>Some Pulp</li>

my ajax call:

    type: "GET",
    url: "nav.xml",
    dataType: "xml",
    success: function (xml) {

my xmlParser function:

function xmlParser(xml) {

    $(xml).find("class class").each(function () {

        var cname = $(this).attr("name");

        if ($(this).children.length > 0) {

            $("#nav .categories").append("<li id='" + cname + "'><a href='#'>" + cname + "</a></li>");
            $(xml).find("[name='" + cname + "']").children().each(function () {
                var cname1 = $(this).attr("name");
                $("#" + cname).append("<ul></ul>");
                $("#" + cname + " ul").append("<li id='" + cname1 + "'><a href='#'>" + cname1 + "</a></li>");

        } else {
            $("#nav .categories").append("<li id='" + cname + "'><a href='#'>" + cname + "</a></li>");


My HTML on the page where I want to append the unordered list:

<ul id="nav" class="categories"></ul>

This ends up duplicating some code and is not recursive, I would like to get something where I can recall the parseXml function and pass some argument where the elements are not duplicated in the tree. I would rather trash this function and start over with something cleaner and neater.

Are there any jQuery plugins that do this already. I have checked this site and Google but nothing I am looking for works with this bad XML. All others I found use a well formed XML structure.

Thanks in advance.


1 回答 1




var isIE = (window.attachEvent);

var txt = "<class name=\"Juice\"><class name=\"OJ\"><class name=\"Low Sugar\" /><class name=\"Some Pulp\" /></class><class name=\"Apple\" /><class name=\"Grape\" /></class>";
var doc = NewXmlDoc(txt);
var output = "<ul>";
alert( output );

function WalkTree(node)
    output += "<li>"+node.getAttribute("name");
    if (node.childNodes.length > 0)
        output += "<ul>";
        for (var inx = 0; inx < node.childNodes.length; inx++)
            var childNode = node.childNodes[inx];
        output += "</ul>";
    output += "</li>";

function NewXmlDoc(sXml) 
  var xmlDoc;
  if (isIE)
    xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    xmlDoc.async = false;
    if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0)
        return null;
  else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument)
    xmlDoc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(sXml, "text/xml");

  return xmlDoc;

/* Result is...
              <li>Low Sugar</li>
              <li>Some Pulp</li>

于 2013-03-07T22:51:20.030 回答