今天我创建了一个 izpack 安装程序来使用 maven-izpack-plugin 和 install.xml 安装我的 maven-project。


但是,当我现在测试 installer.jar 时,我遇到了问题,因为 izpack 窗口是空的,所以我无法选择要存储软件的磁盘。



下面是 izpack maven 模块的 pom:

                                    <ignore />
                                    <ignore />
                            <copy todir="${izpack.staging}">
                                <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/izpack" />
                    <!-- copy *application* jars to izpack staging lib -->
                        <excludeScope>system</excludeScope> <!-- this excludes tools.jar, e.g. -->
                        <excludeArtifactIds>mycustompanels</excludeArtifactIds> <!-- IMPORTANT: don't copy custom panels where our application jars live -->
                        <excludeGroupIds>org.codehaus.izpack</excludeGroupIds> <!-- IMPORTANT: we don't want to copy the izpack dependency where our application 
                            jars live -->
                    <!-- copy izpack custom (custom panels, etc.) jars to izpack staging 
                        custom -->
                        <!-- base for relative paths in izpack descriptor -->



继承人 install.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
<installation version="5.0">
    <uninstaller name="Uninstaller.jar" write="yes"/>
    <run-privileged condition="izpack.windowsinstall.vista|izpack.windowsinstall.7"/>
<guiprefs height="600" resizable="no" width="800">
    <modifier key="useFlags" value="yes"/>
    <modifier key="langDisplayType" value="default"/>
    <langpack iso3="eng"/>
    <panel classname="CheckedHelloPanel"/>
    <panel classname="PacksPanel"/>
    <panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
    <panel classname="InstallPanel"/>
    <panel classname="SimpleFinishPanel"/>
    <pack name="Data" preselected="yes" required="yes">
        <file override="update"
            src="home\dist\data" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/"/>
    <pack name="Libs" preselected="yes" required="yes">
        <file override="update"
            src="home\dist\lib" targetdir="$INSTALL_PATH/"/>


1 回答 1


请尝试在 install.xml 中将 TargetPanel 放在 PacksPanel 之前。原因是 PacksPanel 的实现需要 $INSTALL_PATH ,如果放置在 TargetPanel 之前,它将正确提供。

<panel classname="TargetPanel"/>
<panel classname="PacksPanel"/>
于 2013-12-05T14:24:54.347 回答