item_list = [("a", 10, 20), ("b", 25, 40), ("c", 40, 100), ("d", 45, 90),
("e", 35, 65), ("f", 50, 110)] #weight/value
results = [("", 0, 0)] #an empty string and a 2-tupel to compare with the new
class Rucksack(object):
def __init__(self, B):
self.B = B #B=maximum weight
self.pack(item_list, 0, ("", 0, 0))
def pack(self, items, n, current):
n += 1 #n is incremented, to stop the recursion, if all
if n >= len(items) - 1:
if current[2] > results[0][2]:
#substitutes the result, if current is bigger and starts no
#new recursion
results[0] = current
for i in items:
if current[1] + i[1] <= self.B and i[0] not in current[0]:
#first condition: current + the new value is not bigger
#than B; 2nd condition: the new value is not the same as
i = (current[0] + " " + i[0], current[1] + i[1],
current[2] + i[2])
self.pack(items, n, i)
#substitutes the result, if current is bigger and starts no
#new recursion
if current[2] > results[0][2]:
results[0] = current
背包1 = 背包(100)
这是背包问题的一个小算法。我必须以某种方式并行化代码,但到目前为止我还没有得到线程模块。我认为唯一可以使用并行化的地方是 for 循环,对吧?所以,我尝试了这个:
def run(self, items, i, n, current):
global num_threads, thread_started
num_threads += 1
thread_started = True
if current[1] + i[1] <= self.B and i[0] not in current[0]:
i = (current[0] + " " + i[0], current[1] + i[1], current[2] + i[2])
self.pack(items, n, i)
if current[2] > results[0][2]:
results[0] = current
num_threads -= 1
但结果很奇怪。什么都没有发生,如果我让键盘中断,结果是正确的,但这绝对不是实现的意义。你能告诉我第二个代码有什么问题,或者我还能在哪里正确使用 perallelisation。谢谢。