希望这不是一个重复的问题,但我在平衡本地集群上的工作负载时遇到了问题。这是我当前的 MPI 主机文件:
#The Hostfile for Open MPI
#Master Node, 'slots=2' is used because we are running an 2-core machine
localhost slots=2
#Slave nodes, 8-core machines as well
slave1-ip slots=2
slave2-ip slots=2
slave3-ip slots=2
当我运行时mpirun -np 4 --hostfile my_hostfile program
Node 1 computed load of 1963
Node 2 computed load of 0
Node 3 computed load of 0
Node 4 computed load of 1
但是,当我修改我的主机文件以便行localhost slots=2
到 时localhost slots=1
Node 1 computed load of 497
Node 2 computed load of 486
Node 3 computed load of 493
Node 4 computed load of 488
有没有办法在主线程上进行负载平衡,以便在我有的时候将工作分散到主节点和从节点上localhost slots=2
PS我在设置集群时遵循了本教程:http: //techtinkering.com/2009/12/02/setting-up-a-beowulf-cluster-using-open-mpi-on-linux/