I'm trying to understand the difference between those two option of the svn update command. I have, admittedly quickly, looked at the book but didn't find anything useful.

I also tried both with conflicts, and both display the same text, and so on (svn version 1.6.12). Nothing about that on the web.

Thanks a lot !


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When you have a question about Apache Subversion refer to SVNBook.

  • --non-interactive is a global option and means "do no interactive prompting",

  • --accept postpone is a valid option of svn update command and means "take no resolution action at all and instead allow the conflicts to be recorded for future resolution".

Global options apply to all svn.exe subcommands, even if they have no effect on some of them, see http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.ref.svn.html#svn.ref.svn.sw:

The svn command-line client usually exits quickly with an error if you pass it an option which does not apply to the specified subcommand. But as of Subversion 1.5, several of the options which apply to all—or nearly all—of the subcommands have been deemed acceptable by all subcommands, even if they have no effect on some of them. (This change was made primarily to improve the client's ability to called from custom wrapping scripts.) These options appear grouped together in the command-line client's usage messages as global options, as can be seen in the following bit of output.

于 2013-03-06T15:08:19.297 回答