I am having an HTML-based Facebook application, running on Facebook canvas. It is not part of Facebook AppCenter yet.
I am looking for an easy way for the application users to post information about my application - if they would like to - to their timeline. I am not asking for a permission to post on user's timeline (may not be appropriate) - I want instead to make it easy to do that "manually".
When looking at the applications in AppCenter, there is a "Share" link Like here: https://www.facebook.com/appcenter/texas_holdem?fb_source=appcenter_search on the right side...
Clicking on the link leads to what I want to achieve - picture is here - https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1xQjdje-0viXdF0mL4Ay3rqayAJ5zQmqPNWW0eqFDq3k/pub?w=960&h=720 but inside my own HTML-based app.
I reviewed the Social Plugins documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/ , and managed to create a control that helps sending information on my app - but only to specific users!
Yet I failed to find how to implement the "post to my timeline" feature.
Is it something limited to AppCenter applications, or maybe I am missing something simple? What's the closest way to get to what I would like to achieve?
Thanks for any hint.