我有程序应该根据客户 CategoryCode 计算计数,并且种族看起来像它工作但它缺少一些按类别代码计算的计数这是程序

alter PROCEDURE SelectTotalActiveClients
declare @GrandTotal int 
set @GrandTotal = (select COUNT (clientID)from Clients where StatusID in (1,2))
    with native_cte (cat, cnt)
        select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'Native'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and e.EthnCode = 'N'
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category
    asian_cte (cat, cnt)
        select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'Asian'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and e.EthnCode = 'A'
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category
    black_cte (cat, cnt)
        select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'Black'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and e.EthnCode = 'B'
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category
    pacific_cte (cat, cnt)
        select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'Pacific'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and e.EthnCode = 'P'
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category
    white_cte (cat, cnt)
        select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'White'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and e.EthnCode = 'W'
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category
    multy_cte (cat, cnt)
        select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'Multy'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and e.EthnCode not IN ('N', 'A', 'B', 'P', 'W', '0')
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category
    unknown_cte (cat, cnt)
        select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'Unknown'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and e.EthnCode = '0'
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category
        total_cte (cat, cnt)
        select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'Total'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category
    SELECT  Category, native_cte.cnt 'Native', asian_cte.cnt 'Asian', 
            black_cte.cnt 'Black', pacific_cte.cnt 'Pacific', white_cte.cnt 'White', multy_cte.cnt 'Multy',
            unknown_cte.cnt 'Unknown', total_cte.cnt as 'Total'
    FROM    Category 
    left outer  JOIN native_cte on Category.Category = native_cte.cat
    left outer  JOIN asian_cte on native_cte.cat = asian_cte.cat
        left outer  join black_cte on asian_cte.cat = black_cte.cat
                left outer join pacific_cte on black_cte.cat = pacific_cte.cat
                    left outer join white_cte on pacific_cte.cat = white_cte.cat
                        left outer join multy_cte on white_cte.cat = multy_cte.cat
                             left outer join unknown_cte on multy_cte.cat = unknown_cte.cat
                                left outer join total_cte on unknown_cte.cat  = total_cte.cat


Child     NULL  NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
Infant    NULL  NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
Newborn   NULL  NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
Pregnant      2 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
Postpartum    1 NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL
Senior      220 188       36     11      485     12      44  996

但是,当我自己运行这个 cte select 时,它会给出不同的响应,例如

select c.Category, count(e.EthnCode) 'White'
        from Category c, Ethnicity e, Clients cl
        where cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
        and cl.EthnCode = e.EthnCode
        and e.EthnCode = 'W'
        and cl.StatusID in (1,2)
        group by c.Category

Postpartum  4
Pregnant    2
Senior      485



2 回答 2



SELECT  c.Category,
        [Native] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'N' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Asian] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'A' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Black] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'B' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Pacific] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'P' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [White] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'W' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Multy] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode NOT IN ('N', 'A', 'B', 'P', 'W', '0') THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Unknown] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = '0' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Total] = COUNT(cl.EthnCode)
FROM    Category c, 
        LEFT JOIN Clients cl
            ON cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
            AND cl.StatusID IN (1, 2)
GROUP BY Category


我看不到您@GrandTotal稍后在查询中使用的位置,但如果您需要底部的 Total 行,您可以使用WITH ROLLUP

SELECT  [Category] = ISNULL(c.Category, 'Total'),
        [Native] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'N' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Asian] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'A' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Black] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'B' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Pacific] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'P' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [White] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = 'W' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Multy] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode NOT IN ('N', 'A', 'B', 'P', 'W', '0') THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Unknown] = COUNT(CASE WHEN cl.EthnCode = '0' THEN cl.EthnCode END),
        [Total] = COUNT(cl.EthnCode)
FROM    Category c, 
        LEFT JOIN Clients cl
            ON cl.CategCode = c.CategCode
            AND cl.StatusID IN (1, 2)
GROUP BY Category
于 2013-03-05T09:49:34.890 回答


FROM    Category 
left outer  JOIN native_cte on Category.Category = native_cte.cat
left outer  JOIN asian_cte on Category.Category = asian_cte.cat
left outer  join black_cte on Category.Category = black_cte.cat
left outer join pacific_cte on Category.Category = pacific_cte.cat
left outer join white_cte on Category.Category = white_cte.cat
left outer join multy_cte on Category.Category = multy_cte.cat
left outer join unknown_cte on Category.Category = unknown_cte.cat
left outer join total_cte on Category.Category  = total_cte.cat
于 2013-03-05T09:40:45.973 回答