我正在写一个希伯来语网页,我需要创建一个表单,问题是我需要单元格从右到左而不是从左到右作为默认值,所以当我按下标签按钮时,它会转到左边。我尝试了表中的 float:right css 属性和 tr td 但似乎没有任何帮助,当我最终设法更改单元格顺序时,所有单元格都被压在一起。任何人都可以请帮助我指定我需要编写的正确属性。



2 回答 2


Set the layout direction to right-to-left, most naturally with <html dir=rtl>. The dir attribute sets, in addition to directionality of directionally neutral text, the layout order of table columns. So you can write the table cells, containing input elements, in the logical order (first the field to be filled in first, etc.), and the browser will set the cells right to left. So tabbing from the first input field to the second one means going to the left.

Note that dir=rtl will also set default alignment to the right, which is normally appropriate for right-to-left languages.

于 2013-03-03T21:05:11.783 回答

您可能想要应用 tabindex 属性而不是使用单元格顺序。此外,表格用于表格数据。有什么理由你用一个表格吗?


提示 W3schools 抨击。:-)

于 2013-03-03T19:02:09.227 回答