A different exercise. This one asked to evaluate the value of x for x-2=ln(x). There are two approaches (A and B) - one makes use of the given equation and yields the smaller solution (x1). The other approach uses e**(x-2)=x and yields the other solution (x2).
Program plots the graphical solution and then queries for initial value input. Then it evaluates x using appropriate approaches. Approach A requires initial condition lesser than x2, approach B requires initial condition greater than x1. Both approaches work for initial conditions that lay somewhere between x1 and x2.
The last part of the code manipulates the output to print only unique solutions.
# imports necessary modules
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# plots the equation to provide insight into possible solutions
p = []
x = np.arange(0,5,0.01)
f = x - 2
g = np.log(x)
# x - 2 = ln(x)
lista = map(float, raw_input("Provide the starting conditions to establish the approximate value of the solutions to x-2=ln(x) (separate with spacebar): ").split(" "))
sigdig = int(raw_input("Define the number of significant digits (up to 15): "))
results1 = []
results2 = []
results3 = []
results4 = []
results = []
resu = []
for i in lista:
if i > 0.1586:
y = i
left = y - 2
right = np.log(y)
expo = "%d" % sigdig
epsi = 10**(-int(expo)-1)
step = 0
while abs(left - right) > epsi:
y = right + 2
right = np.log(y)
left = y - 2
step += 1
if i < 3.1462:
z = i
left = np.e ** (z - 2)
right = z
expo = "%d" % sigdig
epsi = 10**(-int(expo)-1)
step = 0
while abs(left - right) > epsi:
z = np.e ** (right - 2)
left = np.e ** (z - 2)
right = z
step += 1
# combines and evaluates the results
results = results2 + results4
for i in range(len(results)):
if round(results[i], sigdig) not in resu:
resu.append(round(results[i], sigdig))
print "For given starting conditions following solutions were found:"
for i in range(len(resu)):
printer = '"x_%d = %.' + str(sigdig) + 'f" % (i+1, resu[i])'
print eval(printer)
My questions are: is it possible to feed the approximate values of x1 and x2 (lines 36 and 53) from the graphical solution instead of hard coding them? Is possible to enforce the number of decimals without the eval work-around present in the code? Printing resu[i] normally yields results that end before nearest decimal "0" (near the end of code). Thanks.