添加到 Grails 2.0.4 项目的 BuildConfig 后:
test ":spock:0.7"
在插件文档的 plugins { } 部分中,我想更新我的 eclipse 项目以包含 spock 库以创建测试,所以我运行
grails integrate-with --eclipse
| Error Error executing script IntegrateWith: The Spock compiler plugin could not run because Spock 0.5.0-groovy-1.7 is not compatible with Groovy 1.8.6. For more information, see http://versioninfo.spockframework.org
Spock location: file:/C:/Users/fgg/.grails/ivy-cache/org.spockframework/spock-core/jars/spock-core-0.5-groovy-1.7.jar
Groovy location: file:/C:/tools/grails-2.0.4/lib/org.codehaus.groovy/groovy-all/jars/groovy-all-1.8.6.jar (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)