我目前正在使用此 Paperclip::Processor使用 imagemagick 的复合命令为图像添加水印。



Getty 最近更改了他们的水印来做到这一点- 它非常聪明,我很想知道他们是如何做到的。



2 回答 2


是的,它可以用 Imagemagick 完成;我已经用 php 和一个批处理脚本完成了它。不过,我不知道如何将此批处理脚本转换为 ruby​​-on-rails。

您可以获取 EXIF 数据中包含的大多数值,并在与此类似的代码中使用它们。

:: Do not display the code while running 

:: Select the F number from the EXIF data and set the FNumber variable 
FOR /F %%x IN ('identify -ping -format "%%[EXIF:FNumber]" %1') DO SET FNumber=%%x 

:: Set the FNumber1 variable to the F number value 
:: Image Magick returns the F number in the format of 700/100 or 40/10 
FOR /F %%x IN ('convert xc: -ping -format "%%[fx:%FNumber%]" info:') DO SET FNumber1=%%x 

:: Set the value of the shutter variable to the shutter speed 
:: Select the shutter speed from the EXIF data 
:: Image Magick returns the shutter speed in the format of 810/100 
FOR /F %%x IN ('identify -ping -format "%%[EXIF:ShutterSpeedValue]" %1') DO SET shutter=%%x 

:: Format the speed to 8.1 and set the speed variable 
FOR /F %%x IN ('convert xc: -ping -format "%%[fx:%shutter%]" info:') DO SET speed=%%x 

:: Calculate the speed in seconds using the power of 2 
:: and save it in the shutterspeed variable 
FOR /F %%x IN ('convert xc: -ping -format "%%[fx:floor((pow(2,%speed%)))]" info:') ^ 
DO SET shutterspeed=%%x 

:: Add the F number and shutter speed to the image 
:: and save as exif_OriginalImageName 
convert %INPUTFILE% ^ 
-pointsize 16 -fill black -gravity northwest ^ 
-annotate +10+5 "Aperture: F%FNumber1% Shutter speed: 1/%shutterspeed% sec" "%~p1EXIF_%~n1.jpg"  
于 2013-03-01T12:50:05.677 回答


has_attached_file :image, 
    processors: [:thumbnail],
    styles: { 
      wide: {
        geometry: "1120x",
        convert_options: ->(a) { "-quality 92 -font Arial -pointsize 72 -gravity center gradient: -alpha on -channel rgba -fill 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)' -opaque 'rgba(20,20,20,1)' -draw \"text 0, 340 #{a.picusername}\" -pointsize 30 -draw \"text 0, 390 'license copy here'\"  


最后一点 - 如果您使用类似 simpleform 向图像模型添加属性,则上述处理指令将在图像本身添加到数据库的瞬间应用......因此在图像附件之后添加的任何模型属性(字面意思是,在图像附件下方的表单输入中)将无法识别,因为它们尚不存在。

于 2013-03-04T10:02:40.213 回答