select p.machinenumber,
max(case when (p.shift)=1 then xxxx end) s1_xxxx,
max(case when (p.shift)=2 then xxxx end) s2_xxxx,
avg(case when (p.shift)=1 then yyyy end) s1_yyyy ,
avg(case when (p.shift)=2 then yyyy end) s2_yyyy
from pdata p
inner join (select count(case when (shift)=1 and (ename)=1 then ename end) s1_wa,
count(case when (shift)=1 and (ename)=2 then errorname end) s1_we,
count(case when (shift)=2 and (ename)=1 then errorname end) s2_wa,
count(case when (shift)=2 and (ename)=2 then ename end) s2_we,
count(case when (shift)=1 and (ename)=0 then ename end) s1_merror,
count(case when (shift)=2 and (ename)=0 then ename end) s2_merror from mstop)m
on p.mnumber=m.mnumber
where date(p.proddate)='2013-02-25';