我正在寻找一种使用 PHP 和 MySQLi 一次插入大量行(约 2000 年)的 SQL 注入安全技术。

$array = array("array", "with", "about", "2000", "values");

foreach ($array as $one) 
    $query = "INSERT INTO table (link) VALUES ( ?)";
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);
    $stmt ->bind_param("s", $one);


什么是更快的方法来做到这一点(比如一次插入它们?),但仍然可以防止 SQL 注入(比如准备好的语句)和堆栈溢出?


4 回答 4


You should be able to greatly increase the speed by putting your inserts inside a transaction. You can also move your prepare and bind statements outside of your loop.

$array = array("array", "with", "about", "2000", "values");
$query = "INSERT INTO table (link) VALUES (?)";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);
$stmt ->bind_param("s", $one);

$mysqli->query("START TRANSACTION");
foreach ($array as $one) {

I tested this code with 10,000 iterations on my web server.

Without transaction: 226 seconds. With transaction: 2 seconds. Or a two order of magnitude speed increase, at least for that test.

于 2013-03-01T02:47:25.360 回答


$query = "INSERT INTO table (link) VALUES (?)";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query);
$stmt->bind_param("s", $one);

foreach ($array as $one) {
于 2013-03-01T02:07:47.963 回答


$query = "";
foreach ($array as $curvalue) {
  if ($query)
    $query .= ",";
  $query .= "('" . $mysqli->real_escape_string($curvalue) . "')";
if ($query) {
  $query = "INSERT INTO table (link) VALUES " . $query;
于 2013-03-01T02:15:08.137 回答

You should first convert your array into a string. Given that it is an array of strings (not a two-dimentional array), you can use the implode function.

Please be aware that each value should be enclosed into parenthesis and properly escaped to ensure a correct INSERT statement and to avoid the risk of an SQL injection. For proper escaping you can use the quote method of the PDOConnection -- assuming you're connecting to MySQL through PDO. To perform this operation on every entry of your array, you can use array_map.

After escaping each value and imploding them into a single string, you need to put them into the INSERT statement. This can be done with sprintf.


$connection = new PDO(/*...*/);
$connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

$dataToBeSaved = [
    'with "quotes"',
    'and statements\'); DROP DATABASE facebook_main; --'

        'INSERT INTO table (link) VALUES %s',
            // for each entry of the array
            array_map(function($entry) use ($connection) { 
                // escape it and wrap it in parenthesis
                return sprintf('(%s)', $connection->quote($entry));
            }, $dataToBeSaved)

Note: depending on the amount of records you're willing to insert into the database, you may want to split them into several INSERT statements.

于 2018-05-09T19:17:12.830 回答