I want to use the timestamp option -tsa of the java jarsigner tool. The timestamp service I have in mind requires authentication. For this purpose you get a personalized soft token to identify yourself at the timestamp server.

My question: Is this authentication supported by the jarsigner tool? In other words: does jarsigner support RFC 3161 (Time-Stamp Protocol) and RFC 2246 (Authentication)?

There is an option -tsacert of the jarsigner. The documentation states:

If "-tsacert alias" appears on the command line when signing a JAR file then a timestamp is generated for the signature. The alias identifies the TSA's public key certificate in the keystore that is currently in effect. The entry's certificate is examined for a Subject Information Access extension that contains a URL identifying the location of the TSA.

What I am confused by is the wording "a timestamp is generated for the signature". What does this mean? Also the wording "the alias identifies the TSA's public key certificate" is confusing: it seems that it is used to verify the timestamp (because it's a public key) not to identify the requester (because it is not a private key).

Moreover: The certificate with which I want to sign is not a soft token but is stored on a smart card. It can not be exported to a keystore. Therefore I have to use the options -keystore NONE -storetype PKCS11. I think that for this reason the option -tsacert alias can't be used because it needs a real keystore which contains the soft token.


1 回答 1


签名 Jarfile 的有效性受用于签名的证书的有效性限制。

时间戳只能说明 jarfile 的签名时间。

要签署 jarfile,pvtkey 是必须的。对于时间戳,技术上不需要密钥,只需要它的哈希值。

有关更多信息,请参阅下面的链接, https://www.digistamp.com/technical/how-a-digital-time-stamp-works/


于 2015-03-03T14:09:25.997 回答