我正在制作一个 jQuery 滑块(如此陈词滥调),当您单击控件中的一个项目符号时,我在更改幻灯片时遇到了问题。除此之外,它功能齐全。我找到了 jQuery 计时器插件,并用我正在使用的 'setInterval()' 函数将其换掉。

所以,问题,当您单击控件中的项目符号时,我似乎无法弄清楚如何让幻灯片发生变化...我尝试将单击的项目符号值(幻灯片#)传递给计时器函数,但没有t 工作(我这样做的方式)。我不太了解方法或 jQuery 插件格式,所以这对我来说很困难。

我的服务器 上的链接(工作): http: //www.horsepowerfreaks.com/plugins/responsiveSlider/demo.html

这是jsFiddle (由于某种原因无法正常工作......):http: //jsfiddle.net/derekfoulk/yUqKJ/


滑块插件(问题所在) http://www.horsepowerfreaks.com/plugins/responsiveSlider/rSlider.jquery.js

样式表 http://www.horsepowerfreaks.com/plugins/responsiveSlider/style.css

插件文档/演示: https ://github.com/jchavannes/jquery-timer http://jchavannes.com/jquery-timer/demo


/* Bullets - Here is my problem. This is not working the way I need it to.
Basically, when the user clicks a bullet, the slider should make the referenced
slide active and then reset the timer */

else if (action === "bullet"){
    // If user clicks on active bullet
    if ($(this).hasClass("active")){
        // Play/Pause (timer)
    else {
        /* Change slide (by referencing the 'data-slide' attribute of the bullet,
        then find the slide using that same value for its 'data-slide' attribute
        and make it the active slide and reset the timer */
        imageId = $(this).attr("data-slide");


Slider = new (function() {
    var $galleryImages,
    incrementTime = options.pause,

    /* I am pretty sure this function needs to be fed the slide number that was selected
    when the user clicks a bullet. If it is the first run through, then the value of
    'imageId' should be '-1'. I would rather have the imageId value be set to '1'
    initially, but the configuration below is what worked for me... If I set the imageId
    to '0', numSlides to '$galleryImages.length' and the imageId inside the if statement
    to 0, then I get slide 2 for imageId 1, slide 3 for imageId 2, slide 4 for imageId 3,
    and slide 1 for imageId 4? If there is a way to have the active image (imageId)
    iterate '1,2,3,4' instead of '0,1,2,3' that would be awesome. */

    imageId = -1, // Which image is being shown
    updateTimer = function() {
        var numSlides = $galleryImages.length - 1;
        if (imageId >= numSlides) {
            imageId = -1;

    init = function() {
        $galleryImages = $(".slider").find('li');
        Slider.Timer = $.timer(updateTimer, incrementTime, true).once();
    this.toggleGallery = function() {
        if (this.Timer.isActive) {
            var remaining = this.Timer.remaining / 1000;
        else {

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