



这个想法是用户将提供一个 LotID 并基于此我的 SQL 查询检索所有阶段以及每个阶段内的所有样本。



批号 || 批次条件 || 阶段ID || 阶段条件 || 样品编号 || 样品条件

--------|| -------------- || ------------ || -------------------- || ------------|| ----------------

5001 || 处置|| 4001 || 完成 || 3001 || 得到正式认可的

5001 || 处置|| 4001 || 完成 || 3002 || 得到正式认可的

5001 || 处置|| 4002 || 完成 || 3003 || 得到正式认可的

5001 || 处置|| 4002 || 完成 || 3004 || 得到正式认可的

5002 || 准备发布|| 4003 || 完成 || 3005 || 得到正式认可的

5003 || 处置|| 4004 || 完成 || 3006 || 得到正式认可的

5004 || 处置|| 4004 || 完成 || 3007 || 得到正式认可的

从这个数组列表中,我使用 DefaultMutableTreeNode 将对象添加到树中(即 new DefaultMutableTreeNode(custom_object.getLotID)..etc)。


  1. 只有一个唯一的 LotID = 5001,但它显示了 4 次(来自上面的示例),因为有 4 个样本,因此有 4 条记录。

  2. 我的目标是首先检索 SampleID 并将其添加到各自的 StageID,最后将所有 StageID 添加到 LotID(根节点)。我不知道如何以分层方式显示。



1 回答 1


Ok..I found a way to do this and thought I might share it. I did not use the MutableTreeModel.

I decided to create loops i.e. when the result set is retrived. For example: I fetch the result set for Stages and within in I try to fetch for all the Samples with in each Stage.

Now I had 2 options, one was to store these result sets into a DefaultMutableTreeNode or to store them in an ArrayList and HaspMap (for example: I could have created a HashMap for Stage IDs as my keys and its Samples in an ArrayList as its values. Then because we can pass in any type of object other than a DefaultMutableTreeNode object to a TreeModel, we can pass in this HashMap object and use a custom TreeModel to handle it. This would also require my objects saved in the Arraylists override the HashCode and Equals method.

But I think, for my application, it is simple to go with option 1.

于 2013-03-01T19:58:23.700 回答