Parser::Parser(char* file)
MyLex(file) ;
在使用g++ parsy.cpp parsydriver.cpp进行编译时,我收到此错误消息:
parsy.cpp: In constructor ‘Parser::Parser(char*)’:
parsy.cpp:13: error: no matching function for call to ‘Lex::Lex()’
lexy2.h:34: note: candidates are: Lex::Lex(char*)
lexy2.h:31: note: Lex::Lex(const Lex&)
parsy.cpp:15: error: no match for call to ‘(Lex) (char*&)’
我哪里错了?Lex myLex在 Parser 标头中被声明为私有。我已经黔驴技穷了 。我试过用这个:
Parser::Parser(char* file):myLex(file)
Lex::Lex(char* filename): ch(0)
//Set up the list of reserved words
reswords[begint] = "BEGIN";
reswords[programt] = "PROGRAM";
reswords[constt] = "CONST";
reswords[vart] = "VAR";
reswords[proceduret] = "PROCEDURE";
reswords[ift] = "IF";
reswords[whilet] = "WHILE";
reswords[thent] = "THEN";
reswords[elset] = "ELSE";
reswords[realt] = "REAL";
reswords[integert] = "INTEGER";
reswords[chart] = "CHAR";
reswords[arrayt] = "ARRAY";
reswords[endt] = "END";
//Open the file for reading
更新 头文件包含:
parsy.h 文件:
#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H
// other library file includes
#include "lexy2.h"
class Parser
parsy.cpp 文件:
// usual ilbraries
#include "parsy.h"
using namespace std ;
Parser::Parser(char* file) ....
// usual libraries
#include "parsy.h"
using namespace std ;
int main()
lexy2.cpp 文件:
我已经包含了 lexy2.h 文件。我应该在词法分析器中包含解析器头文件吗?似乎不太可能。但是我应该如何解决它们呢?