我在使用 JSCH 检索文件/文件夹并将它们填充到 JTree 时遇到了一些问题。在 JSCH 中使用以下命令列出文件:
向量列表 = channelSftp.ls(path);
但我需要该列表为 java.io.File 类型。所以我可以得到 absolutePath 和 fileName,而且我不知道如何检索为 java.io.File 类型。
public void renderTreeData(String directory, DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, Boolean recursive) {
File [] children = new File(directory).listFiles(); // list all the files in the directory
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { // loop through each
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(children[i].getName());
// only display the node if it isn't a folder, and if this is a recursive call
if (children[i].isDirectory() && recursive) {
parent.add(node); // add as a child node
renderTreeData(children[i].getPath(), node, recursive); // call again for the subdirectory
} else if (!children[i].isDirectory()){ // otherwise, if it isn't a directory
parent.add(node); // add it as a node and do nothing else