ops = [("+", (+)), ("-", (-)), ("*", (*)), ("/", (/))]
但是,当我尝试将 ("^", (^)), ("mod", (mod)) 或 ("div", (div)) 添加到列表中时,我受到了以下欢迎:
Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraints:
(Fractional a0) arising from a use of `/' at new2.hs:1:50-52
(Integral a0) arising from a use of `mod' at new2.hs:1:65-67
(Num a0) arising from a use of `+' at new2.hs:1:14-16
Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction...
或者,将六个不带 (/) 的运算符分组也可以正常工作,但是当我尝试创建一个可以返回七个运算符中的任何一个的函数时(通过使用 if-else 或查找两个不同的例如列表)。返回六个中的任何一个都可以,或者只使用 (+)、(-)、(*) 和 (/) 也可以,使用简单的函数:
findOp op = fromJust $ lookup op ops
基于字符串或其他内容存储和检索这七个运算符中的任何一个的便捷方法是什么?或者也许我应该考虑另一种方法来计算计算器的解析输入字符串?(我认为 eval 和 parsec 被排除在这个练习之外,如果可以的话,我不希望使用 -XNoMonomorphismRestriction)
这是我的基本计算器,它可以以正确的优先级解析 +、-、* 和 /,我希望继续使用它:
import Data.Maybe
ops = [("+", (+)), ("-", (-)), ("*", (*)), ("/", (/))]
parseLex a = fst $ head a
findOp op = fromJust $ lookup op ops
calculate str accum op memory multiplication
| operand1 /= "" && nextOp == "" = show (op accum (read operand1) + memory)
| nextOp == "+" || nextOp == "-" =
calculate tailLex (op accum (read operand1) + memory) (findOp nextOp) 0 False
| nextOp == "*" || nextOp == "/" =
if multiplication
then calculate tailLex (op accum (read operand1)) (findOp nextOp) memory True
else calculate tailLex (read operand1) (findOp nextOp) accum True
| otherwise = "Parse error. operand1: " ++ operand1 ++ " nextOp: " ++ nextOp
where lexemes = head $ lex str
operand1 = fst lexemes
nextOp = parseLex $ lex $ snd lexemes
tailLex = tail $ snd lexemes
main :: IO ()
main = do
str <- getLine
case parseLex $ lex str of
"quit" -> do putStrLn ""; return ()
"" -> main
otherwise -> do
putStrLn (calculate str 0 (+) 0 False)
这是更完善的 Haskell 计算器,利用了答案(带有后缀、括号解析和变量/函数声明):
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Text.Regex.Posix
import System.Console.ANSI
ops :: [([Char], Float -> Float -> Float)]
ops = [ ("+", (+))
,("-", (-))
,("*", (*))
,("/", (/))
,("**", (**))
,("^", (**))
,("^^", (**))
,("logbase", (logBase))
,("div", (div'))
,("mod", (mod'))
,("%", (mod'))
,("rem", (rem'))
,("max", (max))
,("min", (min))]
unaryOps :: [([Char], Float -> Float)]
unaryOps = [ ("abs", (abs))
,("sqrt", (sqrt))
,("floor", (floor'))
,("ceil", (ceiling'))
,("round", (round'))
,("log", (log))
,("cos", (cos))
,("sin", (sin))
,("tan", (tan))
,("asin", (asin))
,("acos", (acos))
,("atan", (atan))
,("exp", (exp))
,("!", (factorial)) ]
opsPrecedence :: [([Char], Integer)]
opsPrecedence = [ ("+", 1)
,("-", 1)
,("*", 2)
,("/", 2)
,("**", 3)
,("^", 3)
,("^^", 3)
,("logbase", 3)
,("div", 4)
,("mod", 4)
,("%", 4)
,("rem", 4)
,("max", 4)
,("min", 4)
,("abs", 7)
,("sqrt", 7)
,("floor", 7)
,("ceil", 7)
,("round", 7)
,("log", 7)
,("cos", 7)
,("sin", 7)
,("tan", 7)
,("asin", 7)
,("acos", 7)
,("atan", 7)
,("exp", 7)
,("!", 7) ]
floor' :: Float -> Float
floor' a = fromIntegral $ floor a
ceiling' :: Float -> Float
ceiling' a = fromIntegral $ ceiling a
mod' :: Float -> Float -> Float
mod' a b = a - b * floor' (a / b)
div' :: (Num b, RealFrac a) => a -> a -> b
div' a b = fromIntegral $ truncate (a / b)
rem' :: Float -> Float -> Float
rem' a b = a - (fromIntegral (truncate (a / b)) * b)
round' :: Float -> Float
round' a = fromIntegral $ round a
factorial :: Float -> Float
factorial n = foldl (*) 1 [1..n]
{-Op Detection and Lookup-}
isOp :: [Char] -> Bool
isOp op = case lookup op ops of
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False
isUnaryOp :: [Char] -> Bool
isUnaryOp op = case lookup op unaryOps of
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False
opPrecedence :: [Char] -> [([Char],[Char])] -> Integer
opPrecedence op env
| not (null $ isInEnv op env) = 6
| otherwise = fromJust $ lookup op opsPrecedence
findOp :: [Char] -> Float -> Float -> Float
findOp op = fromJust $ lookup op ops
findUnaryOp :: [Char] -> Float -> Float
findUnaryOp op = fromJust $ lookup op unaryOps
{-String Parsing Functions-}
trim :: [Char] -> [Char]
trim str = dropWhile (==' ') (reverse $ dropWhile (==' ') (reverse str))
fstLex :: [Char] -> [Char]
fstLex a = fst $ head (lex a)
sndLex :: [Char] -> [Char]
sndLex a = snd $ head (lex a)
lexWords :: [Char] -> [[Char]]
lexWords xs =
lexWords' xs []
where lexWords' ys temp
| null ys = temp
| otherwise = let word = fstLex ys
in lexWords' (trim $ sndLex ys) (temp ++ [word])
{-Mathematical Expression Parsing Functions-}
toPostfix :: [Char] -> [([Char],[Char])] -> [[Char]]
toPostfix expression env = toPostfix' expression [] [] "" env
where toPostfix' expression stack result previous env
| null expression && null stack = result
| null expression && not (null stack) = result ++ stack
| ch == "," = toPostfix' right stack result ch env
| ch == "(" = toPostfix' right (ch:stack) result ch env
| ch == ")" =
let popped = takeWhile (/="(") stack
in toPostfix' right (drop (length popped + 1) stack) (result ++ popped) ch env
| not (null $ isInEnv ch env)
&& (length $ words $ fst $ head (isInEnv ch env)) == 1 =
let variable = head $ isInEnv ch env
in toPostfix' (snd variable ++ " " ++ right) stack result ch env
| (null $ isInEnv ch env) && not (isOp ch || isUnaryOp ch) =
if take 1 ch =~ "(^[a-zA-Z_])"
then words ("Parse error : not in scope, " ++ "'" ++ ch ++ "'")
else let number = reads ch :: [(Double, String)]
in if not (null number) && (null $ snd $ head number)
then toPostfix' right stack (result ++ [ch]) ch env
else words ("Parse error : " ++ "'" ++ ch ++ "'")
| otherwise =
if null result && ch == "-" || (isOp previous || isUnaryOp previous) && ch == "-"
then let negative = '-' : (fstLex right)
right' = sndLex right
in toPostfix' right' stack (result ++ [negative]) (fstLex right) env
else toPostfix' right (ch : (drop (length popped') stack)) (result ++ popped') ch env
where ch = fstLex expression
right = trim (sndLex expression)
popped' = popStack ch stack
where popStack ch stack'
| null stack' = []
| head stack' /= "(" && opPrecedence ch env <= opPrecedence (head stack') env=
take 1 stack' ++ popStack ch (drop 1 stack')
| otherwise = []
evaluate :: [Char] -> [[Char]] -> [Char]
evaluate op operands =
let operand1 = head operands
operand1' = reads operand1 :: [(Double, String)]
errorMsg = "Parse error in evaluation."
in if not (null operand1') && null (snd $ head operand1')
then case length operands of
1 -> show (findUnaryOp op (read operand1))
otherwise -> let operand2 = head (drop 1 operands)
operand2' = reads operand2 :: [(Double, String)]
in if not (null operand2') && null (snd $ head operand2')
then show (findOp op (read operand1) (read operand2))
else errorMsg
else errorMsg
evalDef :: ([Char],[Char]) -> [[Char]] -> [([Char],[Char])] -> [Char]
evalDef def args env =
evalPostfix (toPostfix (replaceParams (drop 1 $ words (fst def)) args (snd def) "") env) env
where replaceParams params values exp temp
| length params /= length values = "Parse error : function parameters do not match."
| null exp = init temp
| otherwise =
let word = fstLex exp
replaced = if elem word params
then temp++ values!!(fromJust $ elemIndex word params) ++ " "
else temp++ word ++ " "
in replaceParams params values (drop (length word) (trim exp)) replaced
evalPostfix :: [[Char]] -> [([Char],[Char])] -> [Char]
evalPostfix postfix env
| elem "error" postfix = unwords postfix
| otherwise = head $ evalPostfix' postfix [] env
where evalPostfix' postfix stack env
| null postfix = stack
| null (isInEnv (head postfix) env) && not (isOp (head postfix) || isUnaryOp (head postfix))
= evalPostfix' (drop 1 postfix) (head postfix : stack) env
| otherwise =
let op = head postfix
numOperands = if isOp op
then 2
else if isUnaryOp op
then 1
else let def = isInEnv op env
in length (words $ fst $ head def) - 1
in if length stack >= numOperands
then let retVal =
if isOp op || isUnaryOp op
then evaluate op (reverse $ take numOperands stack)
else let def = isInEnv op env
in evalDef (head def) (reverse $ take numOperands stack) env
in if not (isInfixOf "error" retVal)
then evalPostfix' (drop 1 postfix) (retVal : drop numOperands stack) env
else [retVal]
else ["Parse error."]
{-Environment Setting Functions-}
isInEnv :: [Char] -> [([Char],[Char])] -> [([Char],[Char])]
isInEnv first [] = []
isInEnv first (x:xs)
| fstLex first == fstLex (fst x) = [x]
| otherwise = isInEnv first xs
setEnv :: [Char] -> ([Char], [Char])
setEnv str =
if elem '=' str
then let nameAndParams = let function = takeWhile (/='=') str
in unwords $ filter (\x -> x/="(" && x/="," && x/=")") (lexWords function)
expression = unwords $ lexWords (tail (dropWhile (/='=') str))
in if not (null nameAndParams)
then if fstLex nameAndParams =~ "(^[a-zA-Z_])"
then (nameAndParams, expression)
else ("error", "Parse error : illegal first character in variable name.")
else ("error", "Parse error : null variable name.")
else ("error", "Parse error.")
declare :: [Char] -> [([Char], [Char])] -> IO ()
declare str env =
let which = if str =~ "(^ *[a-zA-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* *=)" :: Bool
then "var"
else "def"
declarationList = case which of
"var" -> splitOn "," str
"def" -> [str]
in declare' declarationList env which
where declare' [] _ _ = mainLoop env
declare' (x:xs) env which =
let result = setEnv x
in if fst result /= "error"
then let match = isInEnv (fst result) env
env' = if not (null match)
then deleteBy (\x -> (==head match)) (head match) env
else env
newList = if not (null $ snd result)
then (result : env')
else env'
in case which of
"def" -> mainLoop newList
otherwise -> if null xs
then mainLoop newList
else declare' xs newList which
else do putStrLn $ snd result
mainLoop env
{-Main Calculation Function-}
calculate :: [Char] -> [([Char],[Char])] -> [Char]
calculate str env =
evalPostfix (toPostfix str env) env
helpContents = "\nTo declare variables, type:\n[var] VARIABLE_NAME = VALUE [, more variable declarations..]\n"
++ "Functions and partial functions may be assigned to variables.\n\n"
++ "To declare functions, type:\n"
++ "FUNCTION_NAME VARIABLE_1 [variable_2..] = EXPRESSION\n\n"
++ "Supported math functions:\n"
++ "+, -, *, /, ^, **, ^^\n"
++ "sqrt, exp, log, logbase BASE OPERAND\n"
++ "abs, div, mod, %, rem, floor, ceil, round\n"
++ "pi, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan\n"
++ "! (factorial), min, max and parentheses: ()\n\n"
++ "Type env to see a list of environment variables\nand functions. Type cls to clear screen, quit to quit\n"
main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn "calc v2.0 (c) 2013 Diagonal Productions\nPlease enter an expression:\n"
mainLoop [("pi", show pi), ("min a b", "min a b"), ("max a b", "max a b")]
mainLoop :: [([Char], [Char])] -> IO ()
mainLoop env = do
str <- getLine
if elem '=' str
then declare str env
else case fstLex str of
"quit" -> do putStrLn ""; return ()
"" -> mainLoop env
"env" -> do putStrLn ("\nEnvironment:\n" ++ show env ++ "\n")
mainLoop env
"cls" -> do clearScreen
setCursorPosition 0 0
mainLoop env
"help" -> do putStrLn helpContents
mainLoop env
otherwise -> do
putStrLn $ calculate str env
mainLoop env