实现这一点的最常见方法是使用贝塞尔曲线。Bezier 算法采用一组点 - 两个端点和多个控制点 - 并在这些点定义的曲线的不同位置产生一系列点。
Bezier 算法的广义形式是迭代归约,但我们可以针对特定的 4 点情况展开它并生成BezierInterpolate
public static Vector2 BezierInterpolate(Vector2 p0, Vector2 p1, Vector2 c0, Vector2 c1, float fraction)
// first stage, linear interpolate point pairs: [p0, c0], [c0, c1], [c1, p1]
Vector2 p0c0 = Vector2.Lerp(p0, c0, fraction);
Vector2 c0c1 = Vector2.Lerp(c0, c1, fraction);
Vector2 c1p1 = Vector2.Lerp(c1, p1, fraction);
// second stage, reduce to two points
Vector2 l = Vector2.Lerp(p0c0, c0c1, fraction);
Vector2 r = Vector2.Lerp(c0c1, c1p1, fraction);
// final stage, reduce to result point and return
return Vector2.Lerp(l, r, fraction);
static System.Random prng = new System.Random();
public static Vector2 genControlPoint(Vector2 l, Vector2 r)
// get a random angle between +/-(15..90) degrees off line
float angle = (float)((((prng.NextDouble() * 5) + 1) / 12) * Math.PI * (prng.Next(0, 2) * 2 - 1));
// create rotation matrix
Matrix rot = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(angle);
// get point offset half-way between two points
Vector2 ofs = Vector2.op_Multiply(Vector2.op_Subtract(l, r), 0.5);
// apply rotation
ofs = Vector2.Transform(ofs, rot);
// return point as control
return Vector2.op_Add(l, ofs);
Vector2 p0 = FlyStartPoint();
Vector2 p1 = FlyEndPoint();
// generate randomized control points for flight path
Vector2 c0 = genControlPoint(p0, p1);
Vector2 c1 = genControlPoint(p1, p0);
此时,您有一组适合作为前 4 个参数传递给 BezierInterpolate 方法的四个点,您可以从中确定“飞”在特定时间的位置。