似乎在可用的 JSFL(Adobe Flash 扩展 Javascript 脚本文件)中没有 xml 解析工具:http: //osflash.org/pipermail/flashextensibility_osflash.org/2006-July/000014.html
那么,是否有一种简单且跨平台的方法来添加 javascript xml 解析器?
似乎在可用的 JSFL(Adobe Flash 扩展 Javascript 脚本文件)中没有 xml 解析工具:http: //osflash.org/pipermail/flashextensibility_osflash.org/2006-July/000014.html
那么,是否有一种简单且跨平台的方法来添加 javascript xml 解析器?
我知道这是一个老问题,但我也在寻找解决这个问题的方法(使用 Flash CS3)。我需要从磁盘上的数据文件中解析 XML。结合George Profenza 的建议,我能够使用eval()
. 关键是删除第一行(xml声明):
xmlData = eval( FLfile.read( xmlFile ).split( '\n' ).slice( 1 ).join( '\n' ) );
好吧,随着Javascript 引擎升级到 1.6 ,您可以使用 Flash CS3 或更高版本直接从 JSFL 使用 XML 和 E4X
这是一个快速的片段,它遍历当前选择中的元素并跟踪 xml:
var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();//get the current document ref.
var selection = doc.selection;//get the selection
var layout = <layout />;//create the root node for our xml
var elementsNum = selection.length;//store this for counting*
for(var i = 0 ; i < elementsNum ; i++){
layout.appendChild(<element />);//add an element node
layout.element[i].@name = selection[i].name;//setup attributes
layout.element[i].@x = selection[i].x;
layout.element[i].@y = selection[i].y;
var xml = new XML(FLfile.read(file));
nodeName 是您的节点的名称。attribute1 应该是您的属性的名称。
如果 JSFL 在某些时候使用 ActionScript,那么只要它是 ActionScript 3.0 或更高版本就可以XML(xml_string)
ActionScript 3.0 支持 E4X,即 ECMAScript 中的原生 XML。
What works nicely for me is just creating a SwfWindow. Working in JSFL is nice and fast because you can change out the file without having to restart Flash, but often ActionScript gives you more power.
My current project does a couple tricks:
I will create objects in JSFL and then convert them to XML. I have to serialize them from Object format into a string which I pass to the SwfWindow (Panel). From the Panel, I take the String can convert it into XML. Then you can do anything you want in Actionscript 3.0.
If I just have XML manipulation, I will prompt the User for a XML files path in JSFL code, but hand the URL directly to the Panel, and have the Panel just load the XML directly.
Finally. For saving the XML, I will have to convert the XML to string via, 'xml.toXmlString()', but you also need to remove the '\n' so that you can hand the data to JSFL. I will strip out the '\n' for '|' or whatever you like. Then pass the string to JSFL, and you then can deserialize the string and change the '|' back to '\n' and save the file. Either using the older 'Save Output Panel' method, or using the newer File Write method.
Hope that helps.
function parseXML (xml) {
try { // normal browsers
return (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xml, "application/xml");
catch (e) { // IE
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = "false";
return xmlDoc;
您可能想了解更多关于DOMParser和Microsoft.XMLDOM ActiveX 对象的信息。