我想用我的小网站迁移到 Kohana,我正在尝试将 SQL、PHP 和视图分开,但是我对这个有一些问题。
- ID
- 类别
- ID
- 类别ID
- 产品
这是我之前的代码(转换为 Kohana 的查询生成器):
$categories = DB::select('id', 'category')
foreach ($categories as $category)
echo '<b>'.$category->category.'</b><br />';
$products = DB::select('product')
->where('category_id', '=', $category->id)
foreach($products as $product)
echo $product->product.'<br />';
echo '<hr />';
更新: 我更喜欢不使用 Kohana 的 ORM 模块的解决方案。顺便说一句,我正在使用 Kohana 3.0
更新 2:
我已经接受了 Lukasz 的最后一个解决方案,但需要进行一些修改才能完全按照我的意愿进行(请注意,这是针对 Kohana 3.0,而 Lukasz 使用的是旧版本):
SQL 代码:
$products = DB::select(array('categories.category', 'cat'), array('products.product', 'prod'))
// Let's define a new variable which will hold the current category in the foreach loop
$current_cat = '';
//We loop through the SQL results
foreach ($products as $product)
// We're displaying the category names only if the $current_cat differs from the category that is currently retrieved from the SQL results - this is needed for avoiding the category to be displayed multiple times
// At the begining of the loop the $current_cat is empty, so it will display the first category name
if($curren_cat !== $product->cat)
// We are displaying a separator between the categories and we need to do it here, because if we display it at the end of the loop it will separate multiple products in a category
// We avoid displaying the separator at the top of the first category by an if statement
if($current_cat !== '')
echo '<hr />';
// We echo out the category
echo '<b>'.$product->cat.'</b><br />';
// This is the point where set the $current_cat variable to the category that is currently being displayed, so if there's more than 1 product in the category the category name won't be displayed again
$current_cat = $product->cat;
// We echo out the products
echo $product->prod.'<br />';