Hi I recived Excel like this

date | hour | visit
X1   | Y1   | Z1
X2   | Y2   | Z2
X3   | Y3   | Z3
X4   | Y4   | Z4
     | Y5   | Z5
X6   | Y6   | Z6

For some reason X5 is missing which is OK for further use... but the problem is that PHPExcel Reader 1.7.6, 2011-02-27 skips that row automatically.

So if I just do that:

$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($fileName);
$rowIterator = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getRowIterator();

I will receive data like this:

date | hour | visit
X1   | Y1   | Z1
X2   | Y2   | Z2
X3   | Y3   | Z3
X4   | Y4   | Z4
X6   | Y6   | Z6

Any idea?


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