我正在使用 Haskell 解决 euler 项目中的问题 99,我必须从基本指数对列表中找到最大结果。


prob99 = maximum $ map ((fst)^(snd)) numbers


numbers = [[519432,525806],[632382,518061],[78864,613712]..



3 回答 3



Jonno,你应该学习如何让 GHC 的错误消息帮助你,以及“undefined插入”方法(现在让我们专注于此)。

ghci> let numbers = [[519432,525806],[632382,518061]]
ghci> -- so far so good..
ghci> let prob99 = maximum $ map ((fst)^(snd)) numbers

<Bam! Some type error>

ghci> -- ok, what could have gone wrong?
ghci> -- I am pretty sure that this part is fine:
ghci> let prob99 = maximum $ map undefined numbers
ghci> -- yes, it is fine
ghci> -- so the culprit must be in the "((fst)^(snd))" part
ghci> let f = ((fst)^(snd))

<Bam! Some type error>

ghci> -- whoa, so this function never makes sense, not just where I used it..
ghci> -- is it doing what I think it is doing? lets get rid of those braces
ghci> let f = fst ^ snd

<Bam! Same type error>

ghci> -- yeah I got my syntax right alright
ghci> -- well, can I exponent fst?
ghci> let f = fst ^ undefined

No instance for (Num ((a, b) -> a))
  arising from a use of '^' at <interactive>:1:8-22
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num ((a, b) -> a))
In the expression: fst ^ undefined
In the definition of 'f': f = fst ^ undefined

ghci> -- duh, fst is not a Num
ghci> -- this is what I wanted:
ghci> let f x = fst x ^ snd x
ghci> -- now lets try it
ghci> let prob99 = maximum $ map f numbers

<Bam! Some type error>

ghci> -- still does not work
ghci> -- but at least f makes some sense now
ghci> :t f

f :: (Num a, Integral b) => (a, b) -> a

ghci> -- lets find an example input for it
ghci> head numbers


ghci> :t head numbers

head numbers :: [Integer]

ghci> -- oh, so it is a list of two integers and not a tuple!
ghci> let f [a, b] = a ^ b
ghci> let prob99 = maximum $ map f numbers
ghci> -- no error?
ghci> -- finally I got the types right!
于 2009-09-30T10:11:44.180 回答

不起作用的是您的程序的类型一致性。您正在尝试将 function (^),简化 type应用于Int -> Int -> Int类型(a,a) -> a(不是 Int)的参数。

最简单的方法可能是直接生成对列表而不是列表列表。然后,您可以(几乎)直接将 (^) 函数应用于它们,首先取消它。

numbers = [(519432,525806),(632382,518061),(78864,613712)...
prob99 = maximum $ map (uncurry (^)) numbers

如果你被子列表卡住了,你可以直接对它们进行模式匹配,对 Matajon 的解决方案进行一些改进:

prob99 = maximum $ map (\[x,y] -> x^y) numbers

或者,如果您一直喜欢无点风格,您可以充分利用Control.Arrow. (在这种情况下,就冗长而言没有多大帮助)

prob99 = maximum $ map ((!!0) &&& (!!1) >>> uncurry (^)) numbers
于 2009-09-30T08:09:16.707 回答

因为 fst 和 snd 是在对上定义的(类型 fst :: (a,b) -> a 和 snd :: (a,b) -> b)。第二个问题是(fst)^(snd),您无法打开功能。

prob99 = maximum $ map (\xs -> (head xs)^(head (tail xs))) numbers


prob99 = maximum $ map (\xs -> (xs !! 0)^(xs !! 1)) numbers
于 2009-09-30T07:52:25.117 回答