我之前在这里读过 SO(编辑: 增量校验和),有一些校验和算法(我认为其中一个是 adler32)支持以下属性:
adler32('abc'); // 123
adler32('def'); // 456
adler32('abcdef'); // 579 (123 + 456)
请注意,结果只是展示我想要归档的示例。我已经在 PHP 中使用 adler 和 fletcher 模块尝试了一些带有哈希扩展的示例,但这些值似乎没有加起来。有人可以给我看一些实现示例吗?
如果您正在寻找的是这样的字符串散列函数hash(s1+s2) = hash(s1) + hash(s2)
,我很确定所有具有此属性的散列函数都(sum of the hash_char(c) for all the chars c in the string)
这并不构成一个非常好的散列函数。您不会记错您对 adler32 的看法吗?
Adler32 is not a hash function.
There are no good hash functions with this property.
There are, however, encryption functions with a similar property; known as homomorphism.
D(cipher) = text1 + text2
Where E is the encryption function, D is the encryption function, and the texts are numbers (or data serialized as a number). Note that schemes using operations other than + & * do exist.
Two examples schemes: ElGamal, and Paillier. Both are slow, which is a common feature of asymmetric encryption schemes. Both of these examples use * & +.
hash('cde') => 345
hash('aaabcd') => 345
Adler32 是校验和算法而不是哈希,并且没有您描述的属性。
H ( "aaa" ) = G ( H0, "aaa" )
其中 G 是散列和与散列连接的函数,H0 是初始值,通常为零。然后
H ( "aaa" ) = G ( H("aa"), "a" ) = G ( G ( H("a"), "a" ), "a" ) = G ( G ( G ( H0, "a" ), "a" ), "a" )
But a function which is simply adding some function of the characters in the input together ( as is implied by your rule that G ( x .concat. y ) = G(x) + G(y) ) will collide for all permutations of that input.
One such function might create a 128 bit hash from an ASCII input:
H(x) = sum ( b => 1 << b foreach byte b in x )
which would have the property that
H("abcdef") == H("abc") + H("def")
== H("a") + H("b") + H("c") + H("d") + H("e") + H("f")
== H("abcdfe")
== H("abcfde")
== H("abcfed")