I have a video of Resolution 1166 X 720 in mp4 Format. The <video> tag works fine for IE9+,Chrome, Safari. When I give {width:90%} to the video element ,It resizes properly to fit the screen size.

I am applying fallback to <object> by putting a Quick Time Player for IE8. But now giving { width:90%;} to <object> doesn't resize the video instead crops the video to adjust it's size.

I tried VideoJS, It's not rendering videos in IE8. IE8 hates <video>, But I need to make it work.

Used flowplayer ,But the resizing problem keeps reoccuring.

What can be an feasible solution? Changing the resolution of the video or some CSS Hack for IE8 Fallback?

Might be worth trying an inline style, if you've not already ...

<object style="width:90%">

or wrap the video element in a div which you then size and make the video 100% width.


1 回答 1



<object style="width:90%">

或将视频元素包装在一个 div 中,然后调整大小并将视频设为 100% 宽度。

于 2013-03-19T13:38:41.470 回答