我正在尝试通过带有 Python 2.7 的 TCP/IP 接口与 Alien RFID 9800 阅读器进行通信。
import socket
cmdHost, cmdPort = '', 23
CmdDelim = '\n' # Corrected from '\n\r' to '\n'. Delimiter of Alien commands (sent to reader).
ReaderDelim = '\r\n\0' # Delimiter of Alien reader responses (received from reader).
CmdPrefix = chr(1) # Causes Alien reader to suppress prompt on response.
def getResponse( conn ):
''' Get the reader's response with correct terminator. '''
response = ''
while not response.endswith( ReaderDelim ):
more = conn.recv( 4096 )
if not more:
response += more
return response
def GetReaderName():
''' Log into the reader, get the reader name, then quit. '''
print 'Sending commands to the Alien reader...'
cmdSocket = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
cmdSocket.connect( (cmdHost, int(cmdPort)) )
except Exception as inst:
log( 'Reader Connection Failed: CmdAddr=%s:%d' % (cmdHost, cmdPort) )
log( '%s' % inst )
return False
# Read the initial header from the reader.
response = getResponse( cmdSocket )
print response
# UserName
cmdSocket.sendall( 'alien%s' % CmdDelim )
response = getResponse( cmdSocket )
print response
# Password
cmdSocket.sendall( 'password%s' % CmdDelim )
response = getResponse( cmdSocket )
print response
# Get ReaderName command
cmdSocket.sendall( '%sGet ReaderName%s' % (CmdPrefix, CmdDelim) )
response = getResponse( cmdSocket )
print response
# Quit
cmdSocket.sendall( '%sQuit%s' % (CmdPrefix, CmdDelim) )
response = getResponse( cmdSocket )
print response
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':