Backbone Boilerplate 的一个很好的参考示例是:http:
您可能想要获得创意并制作一个 Page 模型来处理您所在的页面以及每条路线的内部设置新的页面标题和要使用的布局。
// Application.
// Create modules to break out Views used in your pages. An example here
// might be auth.
function(app, Auth) {
// Make something more applicable to your needs.
var DefaultPageView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template("No page content")
// Create a Model to represent and facilitate Page transitions.
var Page = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function() {
return {
// Default title to use.
title: "Unset Page",
// The default View could be a no content found page or something?
view: new DefaultPageView();
setTitle: function() {
document.title = this.escape("title");
setView: function() {
this.layout.setView(".content", this.get("view")).render();
initialize: function() {
// Create a layout. For this example there is an element with a
// `content` class that all page Views are inserted into.
this.layout = app.useLayout("my-layout").render();
// Wait for title and view changes and update automatically.
"change:title": this.setTitle,
"change:view": this.setView
}, this);
// Set the initial title.
// Set the initial default View.
// Defining the application router, you can attach sub routers here.
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "index"
index: function() {
// Set the login page as the default for example...
title: "My Login Screen!",
// Put the login page into the layout.
view: new Auth.Views.Login()
initialize: function() {
// Create a blank new Page.
this.page = new Page();
return Router;
如您所见,这是一种创建“页面”的固执己见的方式,我相信其他人有更好的实现。在 Matchbox,我有一个非常强大的 Page 模型,它会根据状态确定要突出显示的导航按钮。您还可以在模块内创建路由器以封装功能并在应用程序对象上公开 Page 模型,以便它在整个应用程序中可用。