我已经从这个链接检查了与 WSO2 ESB SAP Adapter 相关的信息:


这是我能找到的唯一信息吗?我在 WSO2 ESB 的官方文档中没有找到与它相关的任何内容......展示如何在 ESB 中配置此适配器的示例将非常有帮助!




2 回答 2


您可以参考以下文档以获取有关 WSO2 ESB 与 SAP 集成的更多信息。



于 2013-02-28T03:37:36.917 回答

WSO2 ESB 带有各种适配器来连接到各种不同的系统。这些适配器之一是 SAP 适配器。

WSO2 SAP 适配器具有完整的 iDOC 和实验性 BAPI 支持。它使用 SAP JCO 库作为底层框架与 SAP 进行通信。

安装适配器再简单不过了。它随 WSO2 ESB 和 WSO2 ESB 文档网站一起提供,从 WSO2 的角度描述了安装过程。

但是,安装过程不会指导您如何在 SAP 中找到所需的设置。

这就是这篇博文介入的地方。它实际上是三个系列中的第一个。我将首先带您完成 SAP 连接的设置。然后下一篇博文将介绍如何发送 iDOC,最后一篇博文将带您了解如何在 SAP 中调用 BAPI。

So, let’s start off with some SAP adapter knowledge. I’ll refer to the WSO2 ESB SAP adapter as ‘SA’ in the following guide.

The SA is capable to be used as a Client as well as a Server. To setup the SA as client to a SAP system you’ll need to setup a client-side configuration fle. This file should be named [SAP-GWHOST].dest and must be placed in the [WSO2_HOME]/repository/conf/sap folder. This folder does not exist per default so make sure you create it and provide enough access rights for the WSO2 user to read the files within it.

To setup the WSO2 as an idoc server you must create a configuration file named [SAP-GWHOST].server.

Let’s first handle the client configuration file. There might be some differences based on your SAP system but the following settings should cover a lot of installations. The screenshots are based on SAP ECC version 6.0

In the examples here the SAP gateway is known as SAPSYS01.

于 2014-02-04T12:30:48.773 回答