我正在尝试在 PHP 中实现前缀以中缀。例如,输入应该是这样的:

prefix  * + 3 2 4
infix   ((3+2)*4)

我想(* + 3 2 4)使用 PHP 或 JavaScript 将前缀表达式转换为中缀表达式(((3+2)*4))


2 回答 2


一个典型的面向对象的 AST 和解析器:

$prefix = '* + 3 2 4';
$parser = new InfixPrefixParser($prefix);
$node = $parser->parse();
echo $node, "\n"; # ((3 + 2) * 4)
echo ' = ', $node->evaluate(), "\n"; # 20


class InfixPrefixParser extends IteratorIterator
    public function __construct($prefix)
        $tokens = new ArrayIterator(preg_split('/\s/', $prefix, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));

     * @return InfixNode
    public function current()
        $string = parent::current();
        $operators = array('*' => 'Mult', '+' => 'Plus');
        $class = 'InfixNode' . (isset($operators[$string]) ? 'Operator' . $operators[$string] : 'Value');
        $node = new $class($string);
        if ($node instanceof InfixNodeOperator) {
        return $node;

    public function __toString()
        return (string)$this->parse();

    public function parse()
        return $this->current();

AST 的对象模型

abstract class InfixNode
    abstract function evaluate();

abstract class InfixNodeOperator extends InfixNode
    private $operator;
    protected $left;
    protected $right;

    public function __construct($operator)
        $this->operator = $operator;

    public function setLeft(InfixNode $node)
        $this->left = $node;

    public function getLeft()
        return $this->left;

    public function setRight(InfixNode $node)
        $this->right = $node;

    public function getRight()
        return $this->right;

    public function __toString()
        return sprintf('(%s %s %s)', $this->left, $this->operator, $this->right);

class InfixNodeOperatorMult extends InfixNodeOperator
    public function evaluate()
        return $this->left->evaluate() * $this->right->evaluate();

class InfixNodeOperatorPlus extends InfixNodeOperator
    public function evaluate()
        return $this->left->evaluate() + $this->right->evaluate();

class InfixNodeValue extends InfixNode
    private $value;

    public function __construct($value)
        $this->value = $value;

    public function __toString()
        return (string)$this->value;

    public function evaluate()
        return $this->value;


(旧版本)一些 PHP 代码,使用一些递归解析函数和节点的对象模型。用法:

$prefix = '* + 3 2 4';

$tokens = new ArrayIterator(preg_split('/\s/', $prefix, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));

$parse = function() use ($tokens, &$parse) {
    $string = $tokens->current(); $tokens->next();
    $isOperator = in_array($string, array('*', '+'));
    $class = 'InfixNode' . ($isOperator ? 'Operator' : 'Value');
    $node = new $class($string);
    if ($node instanceof InfixNodeOperator) {
    return $node;

echo $parse(); # ((3 + 2) * 4)


class InfixNode {}

class InfixNodeOperator extends InfixNode
    private $operator;
    private $left;
    private $right;
    public function __construct($operator) {
        $this->operator = $operator;
    public function setLeft(InfixNode $node) {
        $this->left = $node;
    public function getLeft() {
        return $this->left;
    public function setRight(InfixNode $node) {
        $this->right = $node;
    public function getRight() {
        return $this->right;
    public function __toString() {
        return sprintf('(%s %s %s)', $this->left, $this->operator, $this->right);

class InfixNodeValue extends InfixNode
    private $value;
    public function __construct($value) {
        $this->value = $value;
    public function __toString() {
        return (string) $this->value;
于 2012-04-10T19:10:15.447 回答

这是前缀后缀表示法的基本算法(使用 a stack):

   IF stack is not empty
     a. Temp -->pop the stack
     b. IF temp is a operator
       i. Write a opening parenthesis to output
       ii. prefixToInfix(stack)
       iii. Write temp to output
       iv. prefixToInfix(stack)
       v. Write a closing parenthesis to output
    c. ELSE IF temp is a space -->prefixToInfix(stack)
    d. ELSE
       i. Write temp to output
       ii. IF stack.top NOT EQUAL to space -->prefixToInfix(stack)


于 2012-04-10T18:32:27.690 回答