
如何从 UIColor 对象中获取 CMYK 和 Lab 值(如果有帮助,我知道 RGB 值)?

我发现这是关于获取 CMYK 值的,但我无法从中获得任何准确的值,尽管它无处不在,但我听说它不是一个很好的片段。

CGFloat rgbComponents[4];
    [color getRed:&rgbComponents[0] green:&rgbComponents[1] blue:&rgbComponents[2] alpha:&rgbComponents[3]];

    CGFloat k = MIN(1-rgbComponents[0], MIN(1-rgbComponents[1], 1-rgbComponents[2]));
    CGFloat c = (1-rgbComponents[0]-k)/(1-k);
    CGFloat m = (1-rgbComponents[1]-k)/(1-k);
    CGFloat y = (1-rgbComponents[2]-k)/(1-k);

2 回答 2


对于基于 ICC 的颜色转换,您可以使用Little Color Management System。(我刚刚将下载存档中的所有 .c 和 .h 文件添加到 iOS Xcode 项目中。它编译并运行以下代码没有问题。)

备注: RGB 和 CMYK 是设备相关色彩空间,Lab 是设备独立色彩空间。因此,要将 RGB 转换为 Lab,您必须为转换选择一个独立于设备(或“校准”)的 RGB 颜色空间,例如 sRGB。

Little CMS 带有用于 sRGB 和 Lab 颜色空间的内置配置文件。从 sRGB 到 Lab 的转换如下所示:


cmsHPROFILE rgbProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
cmsHPROFILE labProfile = cmsCreateLab4Profile(NULL);
cmsHTRANSFORM xform = cmsCreateTransform(rgbProfile, TYPE_RGB_FLT, labProfile,
                                         INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0);


float rgbValues[3];
// fill rgbValues array with input values ...
float labValues[3];
cmsDoTransform(xform, rgbValues, labValues, 1);
// labValues array contains output values.




对于 RGB 到 CMYK 的转换,您也可以使用 Little CMS,但您必须提供一个 ICC 配置文件,例如来自免费的 Adob​​e 下载页面ICC profile downloads for Mac OS 的一个。

RGB 到 CMYK 转换的代码示例:

float rgb[3]; // fill with input values (range 0.0 .. 1.0)
float cmyk[4]; // output values (range 0.0 .. 100.0)

cmsHPROFILE rgbProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();

// The CMYK profile is a resource in the application bundle:
NSString *cmykProfilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"YourCMYKProfile.icc" ofType:nil];
cmsHPROFILE cmykProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile([cmykProfilePath fileSystemRepresentation], "r");

cmsHTRANSFORM xform = cmsCreateTransform(rgbProfile, TYPE_RGB_FLT, cmykProfile,
                                         INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0);


cmsDoTransform(xform, rgb, cmyk, 1);

于 2013-02-16T23:29:36.823 回答

要获得 LAB 值,您需要将 RGB 值转换为 XYZ 值,然后您可以将其转换为 RGB 值。

- (NSMutableArray *) convertRGBtoLABwithColor: (UIColor *)color

////make variables to get rgb values
CGFloat red3;
CGFloat green3;
CGFloat blue3;
//get rgb of color
[color getRed:&red3 green:&green3 blue:&blue3 alpha:nil];

float red2 = (float)red3*255;
float blue2 = (float)blue3*255;
float green2 = (float)green3*255;

//first convert RGB to XYZ

// same values, from 0 to 1
red2 = red2/255;
green2 = green2/255;
blue2 = blue2/255;

// adjusting values
if(red2 > 0.04045)
    red2 = (red2 + 0.055)/1.055;
    red2 = pow(red2,2.4);
} else {
    red2 = red2/12.92;

if(green2 > 0.04045)
    green2 = (green2 + 0.055)/1.055;
    green2 = pow(green2,2.4);
} else {
    green2 = green2/12.92;

if(blue2 > 0.04045)
    blue2 = (blue2 + 0.055)/1.055;
    blue2 = pow(blue2,2.4);
} else {
    blue2 = blue2/12.92;

red2 *= 100;
green2 *= 100;
blue2 *= 100;

//make x, y and z variables
float x;
float y;
float z;

// applying the matrix to finally have XYZ
x = (red2 * 0.4124) + (green2 * 0.3576) + (blue2 * 0.1805);
y = (red2 * 0.2126) + (green2 * 0.7152) + (blue2 * 0.0722);
z = (red2 * 0.0193) + (green2 * 0.1192) + (blue2 * 0.9505);

//then convert XYZ to LAB

x = x/95.047;
y = y/100;
z = z/108.883;

// adjusting the values
if(x > 0.008856)
    x = powf(x,(1.0/3.0));
} else {
    x = ((7.787 * x) + (16/116));

if(y > 0.008856)
    y = pow(y,(1.0/3.0));
} else {
    y = ((7.787 * y) + (16/116));

if(z > 0.008856)
    z = pow(z,(1.0/3.0));
} else {
    z = ((7.787 * z) + (16/116));

//make L, A and B variables
float l;
float a;
float b;

//finally have your l, a, b variables!!!!
l = ((116 * y) - 16);
a = 500 * (x - y);
b = 200 * (y - z);

NSNumber *lNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:l];
NSNumber *aNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:a];
NSNumber *bNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:b];

//add them to an array to return.
NSMutableArray *labArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[labArray addObject:lNumber];
[labArray addObject:aNumber];
[labArray addObject:bNumber];

return labArray;
于 2013-05-12T20:14:09.900 回答