MS Access 2010 的普通图表小部件的外观不是很吸引人。
是否有可能(以及如何?)在 Access 中嵌入相当有吸引力的 Excel 图表并用来自查询的数据(动态)填充它们?
Sub OpenMyChart()
''You could do this part without code, but let use say you want VBA
sSQL = "SELECT Table1.AText AS ACategory, Table1.ANumber AS AData, " _
& "Table1.ADate AS AFilter, Table1.ATime AS ASeries " _
& "FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.ADate=#1/20/2012#"
''This is the query that my Chart form uses
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("Chart").SQL = sSQL
''You can use a Where statement for opening the form, too
DoCmd.OpenForm "Chart", acFormPivotChart, , "ACategory='Bob'"
End Sub
Link Master Field: List1;List2
Link Child Field: AFilter;ACategory
Private Sub List1_Click()
sSQL = "SELECT Table1.AText AS ACategory, Table1.ANumber AS AData, " _
& "Table1.ADate AS AFilter, Table1.ATime AS ASeries " _
& "FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.ADate=#" _
& Format(Me.List1, "yyyy/mm/dd") & "#"1/13/2013#"
''This is the query that my Chart form uses
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("Chart").SQL = sSQL
''Chart is the name of the subform control, and confusingly,
''the name of the embedded form.
Me.Chart.SourceObject = "Chart"
End Sub