参考问题:https ://idnforums.intuit.com/messageview.aspx?catid=87&threadid=16477
What's the proper way to edit a customer and make them non-taxable?
If you set SalesTaxCodeId to "0" you get:
Error validating Sales Tax Code ID:Invalid integer.
If you set SalesTaxCodeId to "" the customer becomes taxable.
If you omit SalesTaxCodeId, the customer becomes taxable.
The docs say "If the field value is null, the job is not taxable. ", but that doesn't seem to be the case.
We have been setting SalesTaxCodeId to "" in the past, but it looks like this no longer works. Code is attached.
What's the right way?
有人注意到这个问题是一个错误,保罗指出它已经被修复。澄清一下,为了将客户设置为非应税客户,SalesTaxCodeId / SalesTaxCodeName 必须为空字段吗?
<SalesTaxCodeId />
<SalesTaxCodeName />