我正在使用内核密度估计器工具箱表单http://www.ics.uci.edu/~ihler/code/kde.html。但是当我尝试执行演示文件时出现以下错误 -
>> demo_kde_3
KDE Example #3 : Product sampling methods (single, anecdotal run)
Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.
Error in double (line 10)
if (npd.N > 0) d = 1; % return 1 if the density exists
Error in repmat (line 49)
nelems = prod(double(siz));
Error in kde (line 39)
if (size(ks,1) == 1) ks = repmat(ks,[size(points,1),1]); end;
Error in demo_kde_3 (line 8)
p = kde([.1,.45,.55,.8],.05); % create a mixture of 4 gaussians for
谁能建议可能出了什么问题?我是 Matlab 的新手,很难找出问题所在。