以下是使机器人在其模拟器中移动的 C 代码的一部分。

while (1)
    sprintf(buf, "M LR 100 100\n");    //motor left and right moves with speed 100 each.
    write(sock, buf, strlen(buf));     //sends the buffer to the socket (simulator)
        int lme, rme;                  //lme and rme are right and left motor encoder values, the other value I need to send to buffer.
        sprintf(buf, "S MELR\n");      //sensor command to find ME values
        sscanf(buf, "S MELR %i %i\n", &lme, &rme);       //sending the actual ME values, that need to be sent to a(nother?) buffer.
        printf(buf, "lme , rme");      //the values of MEncoders.
    memset(buf, 0, 80);                //clear the buffer, set buffer value to 0
    read(sock, buf, 80);               //read from socket to get results.        

这不起作用,因为虽然机器人以速度 100 移动,终端只显示 S MELR 并且没有电机编码器值,但它显示了 M LR 命令被移除时的值,所以我认为它与 MELR 值有关没有被发送到缓冲区。如何改进或如何为 MELR 值设置新缓冲区?


3 回答 3



sprintf(buf, "S MELR\n");      //sensor command to find ME values
sscanf(buf, "S MELR %i %i\n", &lme, &rme);  


很难确定,但看起来你需要writesprintf上面那个read之后,然后在之后移动它才能真正得到响应, before sscanf

那么这个printf也是废话:printf(buf, "lme , rme");

你的意思可能是这样的:printf("Got lme %i, rme %i\n", lme, rme);


于 2013-02-13T21:05:17.640 回答


while (1)
    sprintf(buf, "M LR 100 100\n");    //motor left and right moves with speed 100 each.

buf现在包含字符串“M LR 100 100\n”

    write(sock, buf, strlen(buf));     //sends the buffer to the socket (simulator)


        int lme, rme;                  //lme and rme are right and left motor encoder values, the other value I need to send to buffer.

        sprintf(buf, "S MELR\n");      //sensor command to find ME values


        sscanf(buf, "S MELR %i %i\n", &lme, &rme);       //sending the actual ME values, that need to be sent to a(nother?) buffer.

试图读取buf- 但它包含"S MELR\n"......

write(sock, buf, strlen(buf)); read(sock,buf,80);--> 可能在这里想要另一个

    printf(buf, "lme , rme");      //the values of MEncoders.
    memset(buf, 0, 80);                //clear the buffer, set buffer value to 0


    read(sock, buf, 80);               //read from socket to get results.        

也许我误解了如何buf操作,但它似乎是一个字符串缓冲区 - 正如使用至少一个write(sock...操作所证明的那样。


于 2013-02-13T21:11:26.010 回答

你不需要再读一遍buf?你想用 lme 和 rme 做什么?

while (1)
    sprintf(buf, "M LR 100 100\n");    //motor left and right moves with speed 100 each.
    write(sock, buf, strlen(buf));     //sends the buffer to the socket (simulator)
        int lme, rme;                  //lme and rme are right and left motor encoder values, the other value I need to send to buffer.
        sprintf(buf, "S MELR\n");      //sensor command to find ME values
    write(sock, buf, strlen(buf));     //sends the buffer to the socket 
    read(sock, buf, 80);               //read from socket to get results.    
        sscanf(buf, "S MELR %i %i\n", &lme, &rme);       //sending the actual ME values, that need to be sent to a(nother?) buffer.
        // ???? printf(buf, "lme , rme");      //the values of MEncoders.
    memset(buf, 0, 80);                //clear the buffer, set buffer value to 0
    read(sock, buf, 80);  //???        //read from socket to get results.        


int lme=100, rme=100;     //lme and rme are right and left motor encoder values, the other value I need to send to buffer.             
while (1)
    sprintf(buf, "M LR %i %i\n", lme, rme);    //motor left and right moves with speed 100 each.
    write(sock, buf, strlen(buf));     //sends the buffer to the socket (simulator)
        sprintf(buf, "S MELR\n");      //sensor command to find ME values
    write(sock, buf, strlen(buf));     //sends the buffer to the socket 
    read(sock, buf, 80);               //read from socket to get results.    
        sscanf(buf, "S MELR %i %i\n", &lme, &rme);       
    lme=100+(100-lme) ; rem=100+(100-rme);  // compensate  ????
于 2013-02-13T21:04:51.820 回答