Does anyone have any idea, what can cause Ripple Emulator (newesest version) onboard newest version of Chrome to always report malformed or missing config file ("config.xml file could not be found in application's root or is malformed XML")?

I have my config.xml present exactly at application root (i.e. in the same folder, where index.html file, used to fire my mobile application). I don't think it's malformed since PhoneGap Bulid builds perfectly working applications (though tested only on Android) and does not reports any problems neither with configuration file nor with compilation process.

I'm getting this error not only on my own configuration files, but also on any PhoneGap application, that I've been working with -- including: PhoneGap Hello World example application, alluny's PhoneGap Start Application, Sencha Touch Kitchen Sink demo and others. Actually I haven't found any application in my local resources, that would not cause Ripple Emulator to report problems with config.xml file.

Of course, I set proper Chrome's settings, as instructed on Ripple Emulator page and I'm opening my Chrome with proper flag to allow it access local files via file:/// protocol.


3 回答 3


我正在使用当前的 Ripple UI (v0.9.15) 并且也遇到了这个问题。

对我来说,这个问题是由于配置文件没有放在正确的位置造成的。在我把它放在正确的位置之后,Ripple 直到我禁用/重新启用 Ripple 才识别它。


  1. 确保 config.xml 位于带有 index.html 的 www 根目录中(您当前拥有它的位置)
  2. 单击左上角的绿色 Ripple 图标并禁用该页面的 Ripple
  3. 重新启用波纹
于 2013-05-31T23:43:13.917 回答


  1. config.xml传输到我的根路径(与 index.html 文件相同的路径)
  2. 同时传输/res文件夹或编辑所有 .XML 条目以指向正确的路径。
  3. 禁用波纹,然后重新启用。
于 2014-03-01T00:02:09.597 回答

我花了一段时间才让开关正常工作,但使用 --allow-file-access-from-files 开关打开 Chrome 是解决方案。

于 2013-11-14T14:55:51.250 回答