我有一个word文档作为模板,我想替换一个占位符;#带有多行文本的地址。它的工作原理是 Environment.NewLine 被忽略。那么如何为每个新行添加换行符?我应该指出,在代码中,addressLines 是由集合中的每一行组成的字符串,由逗号和标准的新行常量分隔。
public static void PrintAddress(string companyName, List<string> lines, string outputFolder)
// TODO put in linebreak for each line of the address
lines.Insert(0, companyName);
var lineEnd = "," + Environment.NewLine;
var addressLines = string.Join(lineEnd, lines.ToArray());
var application = new Application();
var path = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(AppSettings.UploadFolder), SessionObjectsSCD.UploadedFile.FileName);
var document = application.Documents.Open(path);
WordDocumentClass.FindAndReplace(document, "#ADDRESS", addressLines);
object filename = string.Format("{0}/{1}.docx", outputFolder, companyName);
document.SaveAs(ref filename);
// TODO print document
public static void FindAndReplace(Document document, string placeHolder, string newText)
object missingObject = null;
object item = WdGoToItem.wdGoToPage;
object whichItem = WdGoToDirection.wdGoToFirst;
object replaceAll = WdReplace.wdReplaceAll;
object forward = true;
object matchAllWord = true;
object matchCase = false;
object originalText = placeHolder;
object replaceText = newText;
document.GoTo(ref item, ref whichItem, ref missingObject, ref missingObject);
foreach (Range rng in document.StoryRanges)
ref originalText,
ref matchCase,
ref matchAllWord,
ref missingObject,
ref missingObject,
ref missingObject,
ref forward,
ref missingObject,
ref missingObject,
ref replaceText,
ref replaceAll,
ref missingObject,
ref missingObject,
ref missingObject,
ref missingObject);