现在,我遇到的问题是每个会话向旧版本 Internet Explorer 的用户显示一个 div,即 < IE9。
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
/* Set initial cookie after entire page has loaded */
This cookie won't exist initially, but when the if statement below checks
for the message seen cookie, the clear message cookie will also be set,
this is so on subsequent page-loads, it won't take 5 seconds for the the
message to disappear.
if (document.cookie == "clearmessage") {
$('.ie-message').hide(); // hide message without delate
After 5 seconds, check for the messageseen cookie, if it exists, set the
clearmessage cookie and hide .ie-message. On all subsequent page-loads,
the message will be hidden immediately without the delay.
setTimeout(function (){
if (document.cookie == "messageseen") {
$('.ie-message').hide(); // hide message if cookie is set
}, 5000); // delay the hiding of the message for 5 seconds