I have been given the task of creating a web application that will communicate with an RS-232 barcode scanner, an RS-232 customer display, print to a receipt printer and open a cash drawer.
I have VS2012 and was going to write the application in ASP.NET.
HOWEVER, through what I have read in this forum, it's not that easy to communicate with RS-232 from a website.
The RS-232 devices are connected to the client's machine and NOT the server.

What can I use to communicate with these devices if it's a web application?


1 回答 1


已签名的 Java 小程序可以访问本地硬件。ActiveX 组件也是如此,可能还有银光。网页可以使用 JavaScript 与这些事物进行通信。

您可能只针对 Windows 客户端,因此您可能可以使用市售的 POS ActiveX 组件(如果有的话)。

于 2013-02-10T13:02:39.777 回答