SO 周围有很多不同的例子,使用mutex
(Win forms)和很多帖子说不要使用process.kill()
有人可以解释我如何关闭我的应用程序的其他实例的政治不正确性。它是一个 Windows 窗体应用程序。这似乎在我的本地环境中运行良好,但我担心存在一些我不知道的严重问题。
// I get the current process name and ID
string currentProcName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;
int currentProcID = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
// I then get a list of all process running under this name
Process[] currentProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName(currentProcName);
foreach (Process proc in currentProcess)
// if the found process id is using the same name, but not this current id, kill it.
if (proc.Id != currentProcID)
proc.Kill(); // Documentation says it imediatly stops the associated process.
proc.Close(); // Documentation says that it frees all resources associated with this component