I'm distributing a wpf .net executable to internal customers. I'm saving their preferences to a configuration file that's automatically written to a unique folder in the Temp directory, using the .NET Configuration class. When I distribute the newest .exe, it creates a new unique folder under Temp, and starts the configuration settings from scratch. There are two config files: 1 for global app settings, and 1 for each specific data set.

How can I make the settings from the previous version get moved into the new version, so the users don't have to lose their settings?


1 回答 1


我的解决方案:在启动时,我查看 %localappdata% 下保存配置文件的目录。我检查版本号以查看当前版本是否比已保存的任何其他版本更新。然后我只是从旧目录复制到新目录。为了向后兼容,我无法从配置中删除任何旧设置;我只能弃用它们。此外,我无法在配置中将任何新设置标记为“必需”。


于 2013-02-25T17:25:19.610 回答